House Bill 6409

Sponsor: Rep. Chris Kolb

Committee: Health Policy

Complete to 11-5-02


House Bill 6409 would amend the Public Health Code to direct the Department of Community Health to establish a lead poisoning prevention task force. The task force, which would have to be created within 30 days of the bill's enactment, would study the environmental threats of lead poisoning to children's health, review and evaluate the effectiveness of the state's lead poisoning prevention program, and recommend improvements to that program. The bill would specifically direct the task force to examine the ability of the state's lead poisoning prevention program to satisfy federal requirements that 100 percent of all young children enrolled in Medicaid be screened with a blood lead test.

Member of the task force would include, but not be limited to, at least one representative of each of the following:

·              a landlord and tenant association;

·              a business and industry organization related to public health or the environment;

·              a public health organization;

·              a pediatrician;

·              an environmental organization;

·              a home builders association;

·              and any other interested organization or association concerned with the prevention and treatment of lead poisoning.

Not later than one year after the effective date of the bill, and annually thereafter, the task force would be required to submit a written report of its findings to the Department of Community Health, the governor, and the standing committees of the Senate and the House of Representatives that consider legislation related to public health and the environment. The report would specifically be required to include recommendations to improve the lead poisoning prevention program to ensure that all young children enrolled in Medicaid and those children who may be at risk receive blood lead screening and follow-up services to which they are entitled.

MCL 333.15474a

Analyst: J. Caver


This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan House staff for use by House members in their deliberations, and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.