House Bill 5130
Sponsor: Rep. Sandra Caul
Committee: Transportation
Complete to 10-5-01
House Bill 5130 would amend the Michigan Vehicle Code to require that the secretary of state develop and issue a "Breast Cancer Treatment" fund-raising license plate. Further, the bill would create a Breast Cancer Treatment Fund within the Department of Treasury, to be disbursed by the state treasurer. A person would pay an additional $25 for a Breast Cancer Treatment fundraising license plate, and the donation would be deposited into the fund. (In addition to the donation, an applicant would pay the regular registration tax and a $5 service fee.)
House Bill 5130 specifies that the state treasurer could receive money or other assets from any source for deposit into the Breast Cancer Awareness Fund, and would direct investment of those funds, as well as credit to the fund the interest and earnings from fund investments. Money in the fund at the close of the fiscal year would not lapse to the general fund.
The bill also specifies that the state treasurer would be required to disburse money in the fund on a quarterly basis to the Department of Community Health. The department would provide grants to individuals who were at or below the 200 percent federal poverty level (as determined by the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services) and who were being treated for breast cancer, or whose cancer treatment was a continuation of cancer treatment that originated as treatment for breast cancer. Individuals would be eligible if either of the following applied: the individual's health insurance did not cover the cancer treatment considered necessary by a health professional qualified to prescribe treatment; or the individual did not have health insurance coverage. [Under the bill, "underinsured" is defined to mean an individual who is under a health insurance policy that does not cover the treatment of breast cancer. However, the term does not appear to be used in the text of the bill.]
MCL 257.217m and 257.217n
This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan House staff for use by House members in their deliberations, and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.