House Bill 4926
Sponsor: Rep. Ruth Johnson
Committee: Land Use and Environment
Complete to 6-11-01
The bill would amend the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act (NREPA) to require the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to develop and implement a statewide monitoring system to specifically identify the sources and locations of 1) discharges of untreated sewage or partially treated sewage from sewer systems onto land or into the waters of the state; and 2) discharges from on-site disposal systems that are not functioning properly. The bill also would specify that money in the Clean Water Fund would be used to implement the statewide monitoring program.
In implementing the monitoring program, the department would be required to:
· Assess the effect on water quality of the identified discharges;
· Contact the city, village, or township, and the county, in which an identified discharge occurred and provide the source and location of the discharge, along with an assessment of its effect on water quality;
· Post the findings of the monitoring program on the department's web site; and
· Annually provide the findings of the program to the Senate and House Appropriations Committee and to the standing committees of the legislature with jurisdiction over natural resources and the environment.
The DEQ would be required to review and evaluate the monitoring program at least every three years and to implement changes to improve the program's effectiveness.
MCL 324.3122d and 324.8807
This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan House staff for use by House members in their deliberations, and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.