House Bill 4868

Sponsor: Rep. Triette Reeves

House Bill 4869

Sponsor: Rep. Patricia Birkholz

House Bill 4870

Sponsor: Rep. Samuel Buzz Thomas

House Bill 4871

Sponsor: Rep. Irma Clark

House Bill 4872

Sponsor: Rep. Mike Kowall

House Bill 4873

Sponsor: Rep. Belda Garza

Committee: Local Government and Urban Policy

Complete to 6-14-01


A number of statutes contain references to 'a city with a population of more than 1,000,000'; this is understood to refer to the City of Detroit. The bills would amend various acts to change this population threshold to 750,000. (In addition, House Bill 4873 would, in one instance, make a change in a county population threshold.)

House Bill 4868 would amend the Home Rule City Act (MCL 117.5i and 117.35a) to change the population threshold in provisions allowing the city to finance the provision of certain services by special assessment, and allowing the issuance of general obligation bonds.

House Bill 4869 would amend Public Act 344 of 1945 (MCL 125.74), which authorizes municipalities to adopt plans to prevent blight and to rehabilitate blighted areas. The bill would change the population threshold in a provision concerning the composition of citizen district councils.

House Bill 4870 would amend the Condominium Act (MCL 559.241). That act generally preempts local governments' ability to enact ordinances concerning conversion condominiums that conflict with the act, but there is an exception for the City of Detroit. The bill would change the population threshold in this provision.

House Bill 4871 would amend the City and Village Zoning Act (MCL 125.583b and 125.585) to change the population threshold in provisions concerning the allowable density of certain residential facilities, and concerning the number of votes necessary to reverse an order or decision of the zoning board of appeals.

House Bill 4872 would amend the Hertel-Law-T. Stopczynski Port Authority Act (MCL 120.105) to change the population threshold in a provision specifying the membership of the Wayne County port authority, where certain members are to be appointed by the mayor of the City of Detroit, and certain members are to be appointed by members of the county board of commissioners residing outside the city.

House Bill 4873 would amend the Michigan Liquor Control Code (MCL 436.1515 and 436.1916) to change the city population threshold in a provision dealing with the issuance of a entertainment permit to a liquor licensee by the Liquor Control Commission.

In addition, the bill would amend a provision that allows the commission to issue a class C liquor license, without regard to the population quotas of the code, to a municipal golf course in a county with a population of 1,000,000; the bill would also revise this county population threshold to 750,000.


Analyst: D. Martens


This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan House staff for use by House members in their deliberations, and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.