November 14, 2000, Introduced by Rep. Mortimer and referred to the Committee on Criminal Law and Corrections. A bill to amend 1953 PA 232, entitled "An act to revise, consolidate, and codify the laws relating to probationers and probation officers, to pardons, reprieves, com- mutations, and paroles, to the administration of correctional institutions, correctional farms, and probation recovery camps, to prisoner labor and correctional industries, and to the super- vision and inspection of local jails and houses of correction; to provide for the siting of correctional facilities; to create a state department of corrections, and to prescribe its powers and duties; to provide for the transfer to and vesting in said department of powers and duties vested by law in certain other state boards, commissions, and officers, and to abolish certain boards, commissions, and offices the powers and duties of which are transferred by this act; to allow for the operation of cer- tain facilities by private entities; to prescribe the powers and duties of certain other state departments and agencies; to pro- vide for the creation of a local lockup advisory board; to pre- scribe penalties for the violation of the provisions of this act; to make certain appropriations; to repeal certain parts of this act on specific dates; and to repeal all acts and parts of acts inconsistent with the provisions of this act," (MCL 791.201 to 791.283) by adding section 69b. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT: 05022'99 DRM 2 1 SEC. 69B. (1) THE DEPARTMENT SHALL REQUIRE THAT EACH STATE 2 CORRECTIONAL FACILITY IN THIS STATE HAVE A CANINE UNIT POSTED AT 3 EVERY ENTRANCE INTO THAT CORRECTIONAL FACILITY. EACH PERSON 4 ENTERING OR LEAVING A STATE CORRECTIONAL FACILITY, INCLUDING, BUT 5 NOT LIMITED TO, ANY OFFICER OR EMPLOYEE OF THE DEPARTMENT, PRIS- 6 ONER, OR VISITOR, SHALL BE CHECKED FOR THE PRESENCE OF CONTROLLED 7 SUBSTANCES BY A CANINE UNIT. 8 (2) THE CANINE UNITS NECESSARY UNDER THIS SECTION SHALL BE 9 TRAINED AND OPERATED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE POLICE. 10 (3) AS USED IN THIS SECTION, "CANINE UNIT" MEANS A 11 DRUG-DETECTION UNIT CONSISTING OF 1 OR MORE DOGS TRAINED TO 12 DETECT THE PRESENCE OF CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES, WHICH ARE UNDER THE 13 CONTROL OF AN ENLISTED STATE POLICE OFFICER TRAINED AS A DOG 14 HANDLER. 05022'99 Final page. DRM