HOUSE BILL No. 5768 May 11, 2000, Introduced by Reps. Brater, DeHart, Kelly, LaForge, Dennis, Scott, Schauer, Callahan, Hale, Daniels, Vaughn, Prusi, Schermesser, Rivet, Tabor, Cherry, Gieleghem, Tesanovich, Martinez, Baird, Bogardus, Jacobs, Spade, Hardman and Lemmons and referred to the Committee on Health Policy. A bill to amend 1974 PA 258, entitled "Mental health code," by amending section 1006a (MCL 330.2006a), as added by 1993 PA 252. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT: 1 Sec. 1006a. (1) Not later thanApril 1, 1995JULY 1 OF 2 EVERY ODD NUMBERED YEAR BEGINNING WITH 2001, the department of 3 corrections,andIN CONJUNCTION WITH the department of mental 4 health, shall submit a report to the legislature, THE HOUSE AND 5 SENATE APPROPRIATIONS SUBCOMMITTEES ON CORRECTIONS, AND THE HOUSE 6 AND SENATE FISCAL AGENCIES, based on a joint evaluation, that 7 includes, but is not limited to, all of the following with 8 respect to the18-month2-YEAR period preceding the report: 9 (a) A description of the provision of mental health services 10 to prisoners. 03655'99 * DRM 2 1 (b) The total number of prisoners served. 2 (c) The number of hearings held pursuant to section 1003c 3 and the disposition of each hearing. 4 (d) The number of developmentally disabled prisoners in the 5 corrections system and a description of the services those pris- 6 oners received. 7 (E) THE NUMBER OF PRISONERS IN THE CORRECTIONS SYSTEM WITH A 8 DUAL DIAGNOSIS OF BOTH A MENTAL ILLNESS AND A SUBSTANCE ABUSE 9 PROBLEM AND A DESCRIPTION OF THE SERVICES THOSE PRISONERS 10 RECEIVED. 11 (F) THE NUMBER OF PRISONERS IN THE CORRECTIONS SYSTEM WHO 12 RECEIVED SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT OR REHABILITATION SERVICES AND 13 A DESCRIPTION OF THE SERVICES THOSE PRISONERS RECEIVED. 14 (G) THE NUMBER OF PRISONERS WITH A HISTORY OF INPATIENT HOS- 15 PITALIZATION IN A STATE-OPERATED PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL, UNIT, OR 16 CENTER AND A DESCRIPTION OF THE SERVICES THOSE PRISONERS 17 RECEIVED. 18 (H) THE NUMBER OF PRISONERS WHO ARE PERSONS REQUIRING TREAT- 19 MENT AS DEFINED IN SECTION 401 AND A DESCRIPTION OF THE SERVICES 20 THOSE PRISONERS RECEIVED. 21 (I)(e)The characteristics of the prisoners served and a 22 description of the services they received, including, but not 23 limited to, the length of stay in the corrections mental health 24 program and the type of treatment received. 25 (J) THE NUMBER OF PRISONERS RECEIVING SERVICES DESCRIBED IN 26 SUBDIVISIONS (A) TO (I) IN ADMINISTRATIVE SEGREGATION AND A 27 BREAKDOWN OF THE SERVICES TO THOSE PRISONERS. 03655'99 * 3 1 (2) The report required under subsection (1) shall include 2 recommendations for appropriate changes in mental health programs 3 for prisoners. 03655'99 * Final page. DRM