HOUSE BILL No. 4592 April 27, 1999, Introduced by Reps. Julian, Tabor, Garcia, Green, DeWeese, Toy, Patterson, Richardville, DeRossett and Faunce and referred to the Committee on Criminal Law and Corrections. A bill to amend 1941 PA 207, entitled "Fire prevention code," by amending section 7 (MCL 29.7). THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT: 1 Sec. 7. (1) If the state fire marshal has reason to believe 2 that a crime or other offense has been committed in connection 3 with a fire, the state fire marshal may conduct an inquiry with 4 relation to the fire. The inquiry shall be held at the time and 5 placeasthe state fire marshaldeterminesDIRECTS andthe6inquirymay be continued from time to time and to the placeor7places asthe state fire marshal directs. 8 (2) The state fire marshal may issue subpoenas to compel the 9 attendance of witnesses to testify at the inquiry and for the 10 production of books, records, papers, documents,andOR other 11 writings or things considered material to the inquiry, may 02409'99 c JOJ 2 1 administer oaths or affirmations to witnesses, and may cause 2 testimony to be taken stenographically and transcribed and 3 preserved.WilfulWILLFUL false swearing by a witnessshall4be consideredIS perjury. 5 (3) If a subpoena is disobeyed, the state fire marshal may 6 invoke the aid of the circuit courtof this statein requiring 7 the attendance and testimony of witnesses and the production of 8 books, records, papers,anddocuments, OR OTHER WRITINGS OR 9 THINGS CONSIDERED MATERIAL TO THE INQUIRY. A judge of the cir- 10 cuit courtof this statehaving jurisdiction in the county in 11 which the inquiry iscarried on, in case of contumacy or refusal12to obey a subpoena,CONDUCTED may issue an order requiring the 13 person to appear before the state fire marshal and to produce 14 books, records, PAPERS, documents,and papers if so orderedOR 15 OTHER WRITINGS OR THINGS CONSIDERED MATERIAL TO THE INQUIRY and 16 give evidencetouchingCONCERNING the matter in question.;17and failureFAILURE to obey the COURT'S orderof the courtmay 18 be punishedby the courtasacontempt of the court. 19 (4) A person shall not be excused from testifying or from 20 producing books,papers,records,or memorandaPAPERS, DOCU- 21 MENTS, OR OTHER WRITINGS OR THINGS CONSIDERED MATERIAL TO THE 22 INQUIRY in an investigation,oruponAT a hearing,when 23 ordered to do so by the state fire marshal, uponON the ground 24 that the testimony or evidence, documentary or otherwise,may 25 tend to incriminate the person or subject the person to a crimi- 26 nal penalty.; but a person shall not be prosecuted or subjected27to a criminal penalty for, or on account of, a transaction made02409'99 c 3 1or thing concerning which the person may testify or produce2evidence, documentary or otherwise, before the state fire3marshal. A person so testifying shall not be exempt from prose-4cution and punishment for perjury committed in testifying.5 TESTIMONY, EVIDENCE, OR OTHER INFORMATION COMPELLED UNDER THIS 6 SECTION AND ANY INFORMATION DERIVED DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY FROM 7 THAT TESTIMONY, EVIDENCE, OR OTHER INFORMATION SHALL NOT BE USED 8 AGAINST THE WITNESS IN A CRIMINAL CASE, EXCEPT FOR IMPEACHMENT 9 PURPOSES OR IN A PROSECUTION FOR PERJURY, MAKING A FALSE STATE- 10 MENT, OR OTHERWISE FAILING TO TESTIFY OR PRODUCE EVIDENCE AS 11 REQUIRED. 12 Enacting section 1. This amendatory act does not take 13 effect unless Senate Bill No. _____ or House Bill No. _____ 14 (request no. 02409'99) of the 90th Legislature is enacted into 15 law. 02409'99 c Final page. JOJ