Senate Bill 500 (as introduced 4-14-99)

Sponsor: Senator Thaddeus G. McCotter

Committee: Judiciary

Date Completed: 4-14-99


The bill would amend the prison code to specify that a court could order the reduction or forfeiture of good time credits, disciplinary credits, and/or special disciplinary credits pursuant to Senate Bill 419, which proposes to add Chapter 55 ("Prisoner Litigation Reform") to the Revised Judicature Act (RJA).

The bill is tie-barred to Senate Bill 419 and to Senate Bill 406, which would amend the Department of Corrections law to refer to a section of the RJA proposed by Senate Bill 419 in provisions pertaining to removal of amounts from a prisoner's institutional account to make payments on filing fees or costs.

MCL 800.33 - Legislative Analyst: P. Affholter


Senate Bill 500 would have an indeterminate fiscal impact on State government. Good time, which is earned by prisoners who committed crimes prior to April 1, 1987, and disciplinary or special disciplinary credit earned by prisoners who committed crimes after April 1, 1987, reduce the time served on the minimum sentence of the offender. The bill would allow the revocation of good time or disciplinary credit for prisoners who filed certain false or aggravating cases. There are no data to indicate how many prisoners still in the prison system are subject to good time; most prisoners would be subject to disciplinary or special disciplinary credits. There also are no data to indicate how many cases filed by prisoners would be considered false or aggravating under the provisions of the tie-barred legislation. On average, the per diem cost for a prisoner in Michigan prisons is $61.

- Fiscal Analyst: K. FirestoneS9900\s500sa

This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.