Senate Bill 436 (as introduced 3-11-99)
Sponsor: Senator Raymond M. Murphy
Committee: Health Policy
Date Completed: 5-10-99
The bill would amend the Public Health Code to provide that in a methadone treatment program, licensed under the Code, that did not have an on-site pharmacy, a dispensing prescriber could delegate the delivery of a single dose of methadone to a registered client of the program if all of the following requirements were met:
-- The delivery was delegated to a registered professional nurse; a licensed practical nurse; or a physician's assistant if the dispensing prescriber were responsible for the clinical supervision of the physician's assistant.
-- The delivery was performed pursuant to specific, written protocols.
-- The methadone was labeled in accordance with the Code's requirements regarding drugs dispensed by a dispensing prescriber.
Under the Code, a dispensing prescriber is a licensed doctor, dentist, or other licensed health professional acting under the delegation of a doctor of medicine or a doctor of osteopathic medicine and surgery, who dispenses prescription drugs.
MCL 333.17745a - Legislative Analyst: G. Towne
The bill would have no fiscal impact on State or local government.
- Fiscal Analyst: J. WalkerS9900\s436sa
This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.