September 24, 1998, Introduced by Reps. Tesanovich, DeHart, Prusi, Cherry, Basham, Hale, Anthony, Scott and Parks and referred to the Committee on Appropriations. A bill to provide for a military veterans cemetery; to authorize the purchase of land and to designate state land for a veterans cemetery; to receive and expend federal grants for a veterans cemetery; to prescribe duties for certain state offi- cers; and to provide for an appropriation. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT: 1 Sec. 1. This act shall be known and may be cited as the 2 "state veterans cemetery act". 3 Sec. 2. (1) The department of military and veterans affairs 4 is authorized to acquire and purchase land suitable for a veter- 5 ans cemetery and to accept money or gifts from any source for 6 that purpose. 7 (2) The veterans affairs directorate of the department of 8 military and veterans affairs shall apply for and accept all 9 grants available under the national cemetery system pursuant to 06201'98 JJG 2 1 section 202(b)(1) of title II of the United States Code, 28 2 U.S.C. 2408. 3 Sec. 3. The veterans affairs directorate shall administer a 4 veterans cemetery created under this act. 5 Sec. 4. The veterans affairs directorate shall comply with 6 all federal laws and regulations in administering a cemetery cre- 7 ated under this act. 8 Sec. 5. The legislature shall appropriate sufficient money 9 to accomplish the purpose of this act. 06201'98 Final page. JJG