HOUSE BILL No. 5475 January 14, 1998, Introduced by Reps. Mans, Palamara, Profit, LaForge, Schroer, Brater, Parks, Murphy, Wojno, Hale, Schauer, Owen, Crissman, Brackenridge, Law, Hammerstrom, McManus, Whyman, Rhead, McNutt, Basham, Horton, Gire, Goschka, Olshove, Freeman, Varga, Scranton, DeHart, Scott, Green, Raczkowski and Perricone and referred to the Committee on Health Policy. A bill to prohibit the expenditure of state funds to conduct or to support research on the cloning of human beings. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT: 1 Sec. 1. This act shall be known and may be cited as "the 2 human cloning research prohibition act". 3 Sec. 2. (1) A person shall not use state funds to clone a 4 human being or to conduct research on the cloning of human 5 beings. 6 (2) As used in this act, "clone" or "cloning" means the 7 asexual growing of a genetically identical human being from a 8 single somatic cell of an individual. 05430'98 Final page. CPD