HOUSE BILL No. 5249 October 8, 1997, Introduced by Reps. DeHart and Schermesser and referred to the Committee on Transportation. A bill to amend 1949 PA 300, entitled "Michigan vehicle code," by amending section 803k (MCL 257.803k), as amended by 1994 PA 104. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT: 1 Sec. 803k. (1) A person who was a member of the armed serv- 2 ices during the Vietnam War may make application to the secretary 3 of state foraEITHER OF THE FOLLOWING: 4 (A) A special registration plate, which shall display an 5 appropriate vignette preceding the registration numbers and shall 6 have the word "veteran" inscribed beneath the registration 7 numbers. 8 (B) A REGISTRATION PLATE STICKER THAT HAS AN APPROPRIATE 9 VIGNETTE INSCRIBED ON IT. 04217'97 VPW 2 1 (2) Application for a special registration plate OR STICKER 2 shall be on a form prescribed by the secretary of state, and 3 shall be accompanied by any proof of the applicant having been a 4 Vietnam War veteran which the secretary of state may require. 5 The application for a special registration plate OR STICKER shall 6 also be accompanied with payment of a $5.00 service fee. 7 (3) Upon proper application and payment of the $5.00 service 8 fee, the secretary of state shall issue 1 or more special regis- 9 tration plates OR STICKERS for each applicant for use on a pas- 10 senger vehicle. A person who is handicapped who makes applica- 11 tion for a special registration plate under this section and who 12 makes payment of the $5.00 service fee shall be issued a handi- 13 capper tab as provided in section 803f for his or her special 14 registration plate. The secretary of state shall require the 15 same proof that the applicant is a handicapper as is required for 16 issuance of a permanent windshield placard under section 675. A 17 person issued 1 or more special registration plates under 18 subsection (1) shall be assessed the applicable tax provided in 19 section 801. 20 (4) The use of a special registration plate on a vehicle 21 other than the vehicle for which the plate is issued, or by a 22 person who does not qualify under this section, is a 23 misdemeanor. 24 (5) The special registration plate issued under this section 25 shall expire on the birthday of the vehicle owner. When new 26 plates are issued by the secretary of state, application for 27 renewal of the special registration plate OR STICKER shall be 04217'97 3 1 accompanied by a $5.00 service fee. The applicant shall not be 2 required to furnish the proof provided in subsection (2). 04217'97 Final page. VPW