HOUSE BILL No. 4883 June 5, 1997, Introduced by Reps. Parks, Wallace, Scott, Leland, Murphy, Quarles, Rison, Hanley and Schermesser and referred to the Committee on House Oversight and Ethics. A bill to amend the Initiated Law of 1996, entitled "Michigan gaming control and revenue act," by amending section 13 (MCL 432.213). THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT: 1 SEC. 13.Section 13. Municipal Services Fee.In addition 2 to payment of the wagering tax as set forth in this act, each 3 licensee shall pay to the city a municipal services fee of the 4 greater ofone and one-quarter (1.25%) percentof gross 5 revenue orFour Million and 00/100 ($4,000,000.00) Dollars6 in order to assist the city in defraying the cost of hosting 7 casinos. No other cost for police, fire, or EMS protection may 8 be imposed in aDevelopment AgreementDEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT. 9SuchA MUNICIPAL SERVICES fee OF $4,000,000.00 shall be paid 10annually commencing on the first anniversary of the casino11openingON THE FIRST DAY THAT THE CASINO IS OPEN for 03431'97 VPW 2 1 operations. AFTER THE FIRST YEAR OF OPERATION, THE MUNICIPAL 2 SERVICES FEE SHALL BE PAID QUARTERLY. IF, AT THE END OF ANY 3 YEAR, THE CITY DETERMINES THAT THE MUNICIPAL SERVICES FEE COL- 4 LECTED FOR THAT YEAR WAS INSUFFICIENT TO DEFRAY THE COST OF HOST- 5 ING THE CASINO, THE CITY MAY ASSESS A LICENSEE AN ADDITIONAL 6 AMOUNT WHICH THE LICENSEE SHALL PAY WITHIN 20 DAYS AFTER THE 7 ANNIVERSARY OF THE DATE ON WHICH THE CASINO OPENED FOR 8 OPERATIONS. The municipal services fee shall be deposited by the 9 city in its general fund for disbursement as itsees fit10 CONSIDERS APPROPRIATE in accordance with applicable municipal 11 ordinances. 03431'97 Final page. VPW