HOUSE BILL No. 4519 March 18, 1997, Introduced by Reps. Lowe, Freeman, Martinez, McBryde, Goschka, Cropsey, Kaza, Middleton, Gernaat, Whyman, Green, Bodem, Jaye, Voorhees, Llewellyn and Perricone and referred to the Committee on Senior Citizens and Veterans Affairs. A bill to amend 1935 PA 245, entitled "An act to provide educational opportunities for the children of certain members of the armed forces of the United States," by amending the title and section 2 (MCL 35.112), as amended by 1980 PA 27, and by adding section 3. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT: 1 TITLE 2 An act to provide educational opportunities for the children 3 of certain members of the armed forces of the United States; TO 4 ESTABLISH A FUND; AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF THAT 5 FUND. 6 Sec. 2. (1) The Michigan veterans' trust fund board of 7 trustees shall determine the eligibility of a person whomay8make applicationAPPLIES forthebenefitsprovided in section91UNDER THIS ACT and shall satisfy itself of the attendance and 02401'97 TLG 2 1 progress of that person at the institution and of the accuracy of 2 the charge or charges submitted to the board by the authorities 3 of the institution on account of the person's attendance at the 4 institution. A member of the board or the secretary shall not 5 receive compensation for the services. The board of trustees 6 shall promulgate rulespursuant to Act No. 306 of the Public7Acts of 1969, as amended, being sections 24.201 to 24.315 of the8Michigan Compiled LawsUNDER THE ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES ACT 9 OF 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.201 TO 24.328, to provide uniform 10 consideration of persons who are eligible forthebenefitsof11 UNDER this act. The appropriations provided to the institutions 12 or state board of education for this purpose shall be made to the 13Michigan veterans' trust fund board of trusteesVETERANS' 14 DEPENDENTS' EDUCATION FUND ESTABLISHED UNDER SECTION 3. 15 (2) The Michigan veterans' trust fund board of trustees 16 shall notify each person who, beforethe effective date of this17subsectionMARCH 7, 1980, was determined to be ineligible for 18 benefitsprovided in section 1UNDER THIS ACT because the 19 person was the child of a veteran who, as the result of wartime 20 service, had been totally disabled, but had died before the 21 person made his or her application. The notice shall advise the 22 person that he or she may be eligible for and may reapply for 23 benefitsprovided in section 1UNDER THIS ACT. 24 SEC. 3. (1) THE VETERANS' DEPENDENTS' EDUCATION FUND IS 25 CREATED WITHIN THE STATE TREASURY. 26 (2) THE STATE TREASURER MAY RECEIVE MONEY OR OTHER ASSETS 27 FROM ANY SOURCE FOR DEPOSIT INTO THE FUND. THE STATE TREASURER 02401'97 3 1 SHALL DIRECT THE INVESTMENT OF THE FUND. THE STATE TREASURER 2 SHALL CREDIT TO THE FUND INTEREST AND EARNINGS FROM FUND 3 INVESTMENTS. 4 (3) MONEY IN THE FUND AT THE CLOSE OF THE FISCAL YEAR SHALL 5 REMAIN IN THE FUND AND SHALL NOT LAPSE TO THE GENERAL FUND. 6 (4) THE MICHIGAN VETERANS' TRUST FUND BOARD OF TRUSTEES 7 SHALL EXPEND MONEY FROM THE FUND, UPON APPROPRIATION, TO PROVIDE 8 THE BENEFITS DESCRIBED IN SECTION 1 TO INDIVIDUALS DETERMINED 9 ELIGIBLE TO RECEIVE THOSE BENEFITS UNDER SECTION 2. 10 (5) AS USED IN THIS SECTION: 11 (A) "BOARD OF TRUSTEES" MEANS THE MICHIGAN VETERANS' TRUST 12 FUND BOARD OF TRUSTEES. 13 (B) "FUND" MEANS THE VETERANS' DEPENDENTS' EDUCATION FUND 14 ESTABLISHED UNDER SUBSECTION (1). 02401'97 Final page. TLG