Senate Bill 599 (as introduced 6-10-97)

Sponsor: Senator Mat J. Dunaskiss

Committee: Economic Development, International Trade and Regulatory Affairs

Date Completed: 5-20-98


The bill would amend Public Act 87 of 1986 (commonly called the auto lemon law) to include a motorcycle, but not a moped or an autocycle, in the definition of "motor vehicle".

Currently, "motor vehicle" means a car, van, or pickup truck used as a passenger vehicle. It does not include a motor home, bus, truck (other than a pickup truck or van), or any vehicle designed to travel on less than four wheels. The Act gives the manufacturer of a defective motor vehicle the option of either replacing the vehicle with one acceptable to the consumer or of refunding its full purchase price no later than 30 days after failing in a reasonable number of attempts to repair the defect, subject to certain conditions.

MCL 257.1401 - Legislative Analyst: N. Nagata


The bill would have no fiscal impact on State or local government.

- Fiscal Analyst: B. Bowerman


This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.