Senate Bill 282 (as introduced 3-6-97)
Sponsor: Senator George Z. Hart
Committee: Education
The bill would amend the Revised School Code to specify that the board of a school district that wanted to qualify for additional funds under the State School Aid Act for operating safe haven programs, would have to provide one or more safe haven programs at schools in the district. A safe haven program would have to provide social, recreational, and other appropriate activities for school age children before and after regular school hours on school premises. A school district could operate and administer the program itself or could contract with another entity for operation or administration of the program. To qualify for funds for a safe haven program, a school district would have to apply in the manner prescribed in the State School Aid Act.
Proposed MCL 380.1292 - Legislative Analyst: S. Lowe
The bill would have no fiscal impact on State or local government. The State School Aid Act currently does not contain any appropriation for a safe haven program.
Enrolled House Bill 4310 (the School Aid budget bill for FY 1997-98) as passed by the Legislature provided $1,250,000 for funding for a similar after-school program. This funding, however, was vetoed. As passed by the Legislature, the bill would have funded after-school programs in school districts in cities with a population greater than 100,000 or where at least 75% of the pupils in membership met the income eligibility criteria for free lunch, breakfast, or milk. The after-school programs would have extended the time school buildings were open by three hours per day to offer the following nonathletic programs: academic games, computer literacy programs, peer mediation, conflict resolution programs, tutorial programs, and literacy programs.
- Fiscal Analyst: E. PrattS9798\S282SA
This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official
statement of legislative intent.