House Bill 6000
Sponsor: Rep. Eileen DeHart
Committee: Corrections
Complete to 7-13-98
House Bill 6000 would amend the Department of Corrections act to require the classification committee at each correctional facility to record whether or not a prisoner served in the armed forces of the United States.
Under current law a committee of staff members called the classification committee is responsible for obtaining and filing complete information for each prisoner when the prisoner is received in a corrections facility. The law also requires that court clerks, all probation officers, and other officials send information in their possession or under their control to a classification committee when requested to do so. When all existing available records are assembled, the classification committee must determine whether any further investigation is necessary and, if so, make that investigation. The information collected must be filed with the parole board so that it is readily available when the parole of the prisoner is considered. House Bill 6000 would require the committee to indicate whether the prisoner was an armed services veteran in his or her file.
MCL 791.264
Analyst: J. Hunault