House Bill 4576 (Substitute H-2 as reported without amendment) Sponsor: Representative Walter DeLange
House Committee: Local Government
Senate Committee: Local, Urban and State Affairs
The bill would amend the County Rural Zoning Enabling Act to revise procedures for registered electors residing in a county, outside of a city or village limit, to petition for a referendum on a county or township zoning ordinance.
Under the bill, a county zoning ordinance would take effect seven days after publication, as required under the Act, or at a later date after publication as specified by a county board of commissioners. (Currently, publication in a newspaper of general circulation is required within 15 days after approval of a county zoning ordinance by the State.)
Under the bill, within seven days after publication of a county zoning ordinance, a registered elector residing in the portion of the county outside the limits of cities and villages could file with the county clerk a notice of intent to file a petition.
The bill also specifies that the provisions on petitioning for a referendum on a county zoning ordinance would supersede the requirements relative to referenda on county ordinance under Public Act 156 of 1851, which defines the powers and duties of county boards of commissioners.
MCL 125.211 & 125.212 Legislative Analyst: L. Arasim
The bill would have no fiscal impact on State or local government.
Date Completed: 5-23-96 Fiscal Analyst: R. Ross
This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.