Senate Bill 832 (as introduced 2-1-96) Sponsor: Senator Joanne G. Emmons
Committee: Human Resources, Labor and Veterans Affairs Date Completed: 2-15-96
Over 1.5 million women have served in the military since the Revolutionary War, including 40,000 from the State of Michigan. Many people believe that women who have served the nation in the armed forces, Army, Navy, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, Air Force, Red Cross, and USO deserve to be recognized and honored.
At the entrance of Arlington Cemetery there is a large hemicycle, built in 1933, that is in disrepair. It has been chosen to be the site of a tribute to those women who have served their country in the military. The projected cost of the memorial is $20 million, of which approximately $15 million has been raised by the Women in Military Service for America Memorial Foundation, Inc. Since 1992,
$400,000 has been raised in Michigan alone. It has been proposed that the State of Michigan join other states in making an official donation to the memorial to help complete fund-raising needs for the memorial.
The bill would appropriate $25,000 in GF/GP funds to the Women in Military Service for American Memorial Foundation to supplement the appropriation of other states for the sole purpose of the construction of a national memorial at Arlington National Cemetery to honor America’s and Michigan’s past, present, and future servicewomen.
The bill would require the State to pay $25,000 in General Funds to the Women in Military Service for America Memorial Foundation.
Fiscal Analyst: B. Baker
This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.
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