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Legislative Session(s): 2011-2012
Document Type(s): Bills
Sponsor: Mark Meadows
Primary Sponsor Only: false
(255 results found)
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Document Type Description
HJR F of 2011 House Joint Resolution Sales tax; rate; lowering sales and use tax rate and applying sales tax to services; amend constitution to provide for. Amends secs. 8, 10 & 11, art. IX of the state constitution.
Last Action: printed joint resolution filed 01/19/2011
HCR 0007 of 2011 House Concurrent Resolution A concurrent resolution to urge the U.S. Congress and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to take immediate actions to prevent the Asian carp from entering the Great Lakes and to develop long-term strategies to address this problem.
Last Action: adopted by Senate - referred to the Clerk for record
HCR 0008 of 2011 House Concurrent Resolution A concurrent resolution to urge the Congress of the United States to make every effort to expedite and fund the Great Lakes and Mississippi River Basin Interbasin Study and to ensure Asian carp do not invade the Great Lakes.
Last Action: adopted by Senate - referred to the Clerk for record
SCR 0012 of 2011 Senate Concurrent Resolution A concurrent resolution of tribute offered as a memorial for James Damman, former Lieutenant Governor and former member of the House of Representatives.
Last Action: returned to Senate
HR 0014 of 2011 House Resolution A resolution to express support for the Attorney General's efforts to accelerate federal government efforts to devise a plan to prevent Asian carp from invading the Great Lakes and to call on the Snyder administration and the Obama administration to take all necessary actions to prevent the invasion.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0016 of 2011 House Resolution A resolution to urge the U.S. Congress and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to take immediate actions to prevent the Asian carp from entering the Great Lakes and to develop long-term strategies to address this problem.
Last Action: adopted
HJR S of 2011 House Joint Resolution Labor; collective bargaining; constitutional right to collective bargaining; create. Amends the state constitution by adding sec. 28 to art. I.
Last Action: printed joint resolution filed 03/24/2011
HR 0021 of 2011 House Resolution A resolution to memorialize Congress to take steps to insure that the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act does not result in increased fees on consumers at exempted institutions.
Last Action: adopted
HJR EE of 2011 House Joint Resolution Legislature; legislators; policy regarding provisions subject to referendum; redefine. Amends sec. 9, art. II of the state constitution.
Last Action: printed joint resolution filed 09/22/2011
HCR 0032 of 2011 House Concurrent Resolution A concurrent resolution to urge the Department of Community Health to promote programs to identify and address inequities in the prevention, treatment, and research of diseases threatening the health of women.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Health Policy
HR 0061 of 2011 House Resolution A resolution to declare May 1, 2011, as Law Day in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0071 of 2011 House Resolution A resolution to declare May 3, 2011, as Patriot Flag Day in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0074 of 2011 House Resolution A resolution to declare May 1-8, 2011, as Holocaust Remembrance Week in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0079 of 2011 House Resolution A resolution to declare May 7, 2011, as Train Day in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0085 of 2011 House Resolution A resolution to recognize the Republic of China (Taiwan) on its centenary.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0099 of 2011 House Resolution A resolution to memorialize the Congress and the President of the United States to oppose any proposal that will eliminate the traditional Medicare program and to convert the Medicaid program to a block grant.
Last Action: motion to discharge committee postponed for day
HR 0101 of 2011 House Resolution A resolution to memorialize the President and the Congress of the United States to allow access to frozen Libyan assets to address the situation facing Libyan students studying at American universities and participating in academic programs.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Government Operations
HR 0103 of 2011 House Resolution A resolution to declare July 2011 as Parks and Recreation Month in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0106 of 2011 House Resolution A resolution to memorialize Congress to adopt legislation expressing the sense that national health care reform should ensure that the health care needs of women in the United States are met.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Health Policy
HR 0107 of 2011 House Resolution A resolution to express the sense of this legislative body that the state of Michigan should intensify its efforts to reduce the high rates of teen pregnancies.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Health Policy
HR 0143 of 2011 House Resolution A resolution to declare October 2011 as Anti-Bullying Awareness Month in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Education
HR 0147 of 2011 House Resolution A resolution to declare October 23-29, 2011, as Respiratory Care Week in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0156 of 2011 House Resolution A resolution to memorialize Congress to resolve the internet taxation issue and enact legislation, such as the Main Street Fairness Act, to allow states to collect sales taxes on internet and other remote sales transactions.
Last Action: reported with recommendation without amendment
HR 0172 of 2011 House Resolution A resolution to memorialize Congress to enact an extension of federal unemployment benefits.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Commerce
HB 4027 of 2011 House Bill Property tax; assessments; transfer of ownership; revise for property conveyed by land contract. Amends sec. 27a of 1893 PA 206 (MCL 211.27a).
Last Action: printed bill filed 01/14/2011
HB 4038 of 2011 House Bill State financing and management; other; implementation of section 29 of article IX of the state constitution; provide for, and repeal 1979 PA 101. Creates new act & repeals 1979 PA 101 (MCL 21.231 - 21.244).
Last Action: printed bill filed 01/14/2011
HB 4039 of 2011 House Bill Administrative procedure; rules; delegation of legislative authority that violates constitutional prohibition against unfunded mandates; nullify under certain circumstances. Amends secs. 3, 5, 7a, 40, 44, 45 & 45a of 1969 PA 306 (MCL 24.203 et seq.) & adds sec. 9. TIE BAR WITH: HB 4038'11
Last Action: printed bill filed 01/14/2011
HB 4040 of 2011 House Bill Legislature; committees; local government mandate panel; create and prescribe its duties. Amends 1986 PA 268 (MCL 4.1101 - 4.1901) by adding ch. 7C. TIE BAR WITH: HB 4038'11
Last Action: printed bill filed 01/14/2011
HB 4041 of 2011 House Bill Civil procedure; other; procedures for actions under sections 25 to 32 of article IX of the state constitution; revise. Amends sec. 308a of 1961 PA 236 (MCL 600.308a) & adds secs. 308b, 308c, 308d, 308e, 308f & 308g. TIE BAR WITH: HB 4038'11
Last Action: printed bill filed 01/14/2011
HB 4051 of 2011 House Bill Human services; food assistance; use of bridge card for cash withdrawals or for purchase of lottery tickets, alcohol, or tobacco products; prohibit. Amends 1939 PA 280 (MCL 400.1 - 400.119b) by adding sec. 57v.
Last Action: printed bill filed 01/14/2011
HB 4088 of 2011 House Bill Vehicles; registration plates; "Gold Star Family" registration plates; create. Amends sec. 803e of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.803e).
HB 4098 of 2011 House Bill Michigan business tax; surcharge; surcharge tax; repeal. Repeals sec. 281 of 2007 PA 36 (MCL 208.1281).
Last Action: printed bill filed 01/19/2011
HB 4099 of 2011 House Bill Sales tax; other; sales tax on services; implement. Amends secs. 1, 2, 4, 4a, 4d, 4h, 4j, 4q, 4t, 4u, 4w, 6, 10, 16a, 19, 23 & 25 of 1933 PA 167 (MCL 205.51 et seq.) & adds sec. 4c. TIE BAR WITH: HB 4100'11, HJR F'11
Last Action: printed bill filed 01/19/2011
HB 4100 of 2011 House Bill Use tax; other; application of use tax to certain services; provide for. Amends secs. 4 & 20 of 1937 PA 94 (MCL 205.94 & 205.110) & adds secs. 3g & 4b.
Last Action: printed bill filed 01/19/2011
HB 4101 of 2011 House Bill Michigan business tax; gross receipts; tax rate on modified gross receipts; reduce. Amends sec. 203 of 2007 PA 36 (MCL 208.1203).
Last Action: printed bill filed 01/19/2011
HB 4102 of 2011 House Bill Property tax; personal property; personal property tax; eliminate. Amends 1893 PA 206 (MCL 211.1 - 211.155) by adding sec. 9l. TIE BAR WITH: HB 4103'11
Last Action: printed bill filed 01/19/2011
HB 4103 of 2011 House Bill Property tax; other; specific tax on exempted personal property; create. Creates new act. TIE BAR WITH: HB 4102'11
Last Action: printed bill filed 01/19/2011
HB 4104 of 2011 House Bill Property tax; personal property; alternative energy personal property; exempt from personal property specific tax. Amends sec. 5 of 2002 PA 593 (MCL 207.825). TIE BAR WITH: HB 4103'11
Last Action: printed bill filed 01/19/2011
HB 4105 of 2011 House Bill Property tax; personal property; personal property tax; eliminate. Amends sec. 9 of 1996 PA 376 (MCL 125.2689). TIE BAR WITH: HB 4103'11
Last Action: printed bill filed 01/19/2011
HB 4106 of 2011 House Bill Criminal procedure; expunction; expand record expunction for certain offenders; provide for under certain circumstances. Amends secs. 1, 3 & 4 of 1965 PA 213 (MCL 780.621 et seq.).
Last Action: re-referred to Committee on Judiciary
HB 4131 of 2011 House Bill Transportation; other; public-private partnerships; create. Amends title & secs. 1, 6a, 7, 7a & 10 of 1964 PA 286 (MCL 247.801 et seq.) & adds secs. 7b, 7c, 7d, 7e, 7f, 7g, 7h & 7i.
Last Action: printed bill filed 01/26/2011
HB 4161 of 2011 House Bill Cities; home rule; detachment to a charter township; exempt under certain circumstances. Amends secs. 6 & 9b of 1909 PA 279 (MCL 117.6 & 117.9b).
Last Action: printed bill filed 02/03/2011
HB 4170 of 2011 House Bill Income tax; income; compensation received under the wrongful imprisonment compensation act; provide a deduction. Amends sec. 30 of 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.30). TIE BAR WITH: HB 4171'11
Last Action: printed bill filed 02/03/2011
HB 4171 of 2011 House Bill Civil procedure; remedies; wrongful imprisonment for crime; provide compensation for. Creates new act. TIE BAR WITH: HB 4170'11
Last Action: printed bill filed 02/03/2011
HB 4173 of 2011 House Bill Education; discipline; policy prohibiting harassment and bullying at school; require. Amends 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1 - 380.1852) by adding sec. 1310b.
Last Action: printed bill filed 02/03/2011
HB 4231 of 2011
(PA 61 of 2011)
House Bill Torts; liability; waiver of claims of liability in connection with children's athletic and recreational activities; allow parent to sign. Amends 1998 PA 386 (MCL 700.1101 - 700.8206) by adding sec. 5109.
Last Action: assigned PA 61'11 with immediate effect
HB 4249 of 2011 House Bill Children; adoption; second parent adoption; provide for. Amends secs. 24, 41 & 51, ch. X of 1939 PA 288 (MCL 710.24 et seq.).
Last Action: printed bill filed 02/16/2011
HB 4250 of 2011 House Bill Natural resources; hunting; deer and elk feeding; clarify prohibition. Amends sec. 40111a of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.40111a).
Last Action: printed bill filed 02/16/2011
HB 4295 of 2011 House Bill Occupations; athletics; amateur mixed martial arts licensure; provide for. Creates new act.
HB 4296 of 2011 House Bill Criminal procedure; sentencing guidelines; sentencing guidelines for violations of certain Michigan amateur mixed martial arts regulatory act violations; provide for. Amends sec. 13p, ch. XVII of 1927 PA 175 (MCL 777.13p). TIE BAR WITH: HB 4295'11
HB 4315 of 2011
(PA 78 of 2011)
House Bill Highways; name; renaming a portion of US-31; designate as the "Medal of Honor Recipients Highway". Amends 2001 PA 142 (MCL 250.1001 - 250.2080) by adding sec. 1072.
Last Action: assigned PA 78'11 with immediate effect
HB 4322 of 2011 House Bill Criminal procedure; evidence; electronic recording of certain custodial interrogation sessions; require, and revise procedures for determining admissibility as evidence. Amends 1927 PA 175 (MCL 760.1 - 777.69) by adding secs. 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11 to ch. III.
Last Action: printed bill filed 02/24/2011
HB 4327 of 2011 House Bill Civil procedure; evidence; testimony of a vulnerable adult; allow to be presented by videotape or closed-circuit television under certain circumstances. Amends sec. 2163a of 1961 PA 236 (MCL 600.2163a).
Last Action: printed bill filed 02/25/2011
HB 4328 of 2011 House Bill Insurance; annuities; regulation of annuity sales; provide for. Amends secs. 4151, 4153, 4155 & 4165 of 1956 PA 281 (MCL 500.4151 et seq.); adds secs. 4158, 4159, 4160, 4161 & 4162 & ch. 41B & repeals sec. 4157 of 1956 PA 218 (MCL 500.4157).
Last Action: printed bill filed 02/25/2011
HB 4329 of 2011 House Bill Human services; other; definition of abuse of vulnerable adult; expand to include financial exploitation. Amends sec. 11 of 1939 PA 280 (MCL 400.11).
Last Action: printed bill filed 02/25/2011
HB 4330 of 2011 House Bill Probate; guardians and conservators; power of conservator to mortgage or place lien on protected individual's home; require prior court approval. Amends secs. 5422 & 5423 of 1998 PA 386 (MCL 700.5422 & 700.5423).
Last Action: printed bill filed 02/25/2011
HB 4331 of 2011 House Bill Probate; wills and estates; forfeiture and revocation of benefits for individuals who abused, neglected, or exploited decedent; provide for. Amends secs. 2802, 2803 & 2804 of 1998 PA 386 (MCL 700.2802 et seq.).
Last Action: printed bill filed 02/25/2011
HB 4332 of 2011 House Bill Law enforcement; reports; missing senior or vulnerable adult alert program; provide for. Creates new act.
Last Action: printed bill filed 02/25/2011
HB 4333 of 2011 House Bill Human services; other; mandatory reporting of suspected financial exploitation of certain adults; require of financial institutions. Amends sec. 11a of 1939 PA 280 (MCL 400.11a).
Last Action: printed bill filed 02/25/2011
HB 4334 of 2011 House Bill Counties; employees and officers; county medical examiner to establish an elder death review team; allow. Amends secs. 1c, 2 & 3 of 1953 PA 181 (MCL 52.201c et seq.).
Last Action: printed bill filed 02/25/2011
HB 4335 of 2011 House Bill Probate; guardians and conservators; appointment of conservator; require court to consider if person under a guardianship has liquid assets of more than a certain limit. Amends sec. 5305 of 1998 PA 386 (MCL 700.5305) & adds sec. 5319.
Last Action: printed bill filed 02/25/2011
HB 4336 of 2011 House Bill Probate; guardians and conservators; bond; require if protected individual has liquid assets over certain limit. Amends sec. 5410 of 1998 PA 386 (MCL 700.5410). TIE BAR WITH: HB 4330'11, HB 4335'11
Last Action: printed bill filed 02/25/2011
HB 4337 of 2011 House Bill Crimes; other; penalties for crime of obtaining signature by fraud; revise. Amends secs. 159g & 273 of 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.159g & 750.273).
Last Action: printed bill filed 02/25/2011
HB 4338 of 2011 House Bill Criminal procedure; other; development of investigative protocols and abuse and neglect interview protocols for vulnerable adults; require by certain local agencies. Amends sec. 11b of 1939 PA 280 (MCL 400.11b).
Last Action: printed bill filed 02/25/2011
HB 4339 of 2011 House Bill Criminal procedure; sentencing guidelines; sentencing guidelines for crime of financial exploitation of vulnerable adult; revise to reflect increased penalties. Amends sec. 16i, ch. XVII of 1927 PA 175 (MCL 777.16i). TIE BAR WITH: HB 4340'11
Last Action: printed bill filed 02/25/2011
HB 4340 of 2011 House Bill Crimes; embezzlement; penalties for financial exploitation of vulnerable adults; increase under certain circumstances. Amends sec. 174a of 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.174a).
Last Action: printed bill filed 02/25/2011
HB 4341 of 2011 House Bill Trade; securities; variable annuities; regulate as securities. Amends sec. 102c of 2008 PA 551 (MCL 451.2102c).
Last Action: printed bill filed 02/25/2011
HB 4342 of 2011 House Bill Probate; guardians and conservators; grant of full or limited powers to guardian of legally incapacitated individual; clarify, and provide for notice to individual of his or her rights. Amends secs. 5306, 5314, 5315 & 5316 of 1998 PA 386 (MCL 700.5306 et seq.) & adds sec. 5306a.
Last Action: printed bill filed 02/25/2011
HB 4343 of 2011 House Bill Criminal procedure; sentencing guidelines; sentencing guidelines for crime of obtaining signature by fraud; revise. Amends sec. 16o, ch. XVII of 1927 PA 175 (MCL 777.16o). TIE BAR WITH: HB 4337'11
Last Action: printed bill filed 02/25/2011
HB 4344 of 2011 House Bill Probate; powers of attorney; written acknowledgment of responsibilities by agent appointed under a power of attorney; require. Amends sec. 5501 of 1998 PA 386 (MCL 700.5501).
Last Action: printed bill filed 02/25/2011
HB 4345 of 2011 House Bill Criminal procedure; arrests; complainant's signature requirement to file a criminal complaint in cases alleging vulnerable adult abuse; prohibit magistrate from refusing to accept complaint because signed upon information and belief by individual other than the victim. Amends sec. 1a, ch. IV of 1927 PA 175 (MCL 764.1a).
Last Action: printed bill filed 02/25/2011
HB 4348 of 2011 House Bill Property tax; exemptions; principal residence of certain disabled veterans and surviving spouses; exempt. Amends 1893 PA 206 (MCL 211.1 - 211.155) by adding sec. 7oo.
Last Action: referred to second reading
HB 4363 of 2011 House Bill Labor; fair employment practices; use of credit history in the hiring process; prohibit. Creates new act.
Last Action: printed bill filed 03/03/2011
HB 4371 of 2011
(PA 120 of 2011)
House Bill Natural resources; hunting; minimum hunting age; eliminate, and create mentored youth hunting program. Amends secs. 43520, 43525a & 43531 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.43520 et seq.). TIE BAR WITH: SB 0207'11
Last Action: assigned PA 120'11 with immediate effect
HB 4372 of 2011 House Bill Liquor; drinking age; certain minors presenting themselves for treatment; exempt from underage drinking violation under certain circumstances. Amends sec. 703 of 1998 PA 58 (MCL 436.1703).
Last Action: printed bill filed 03/04/2011
HB 4374 of 2011 House Bill Corrections; prisoners; commutation hearings and procedures; clarify provision regarding medical commutations. Amends sec. 44 of 1953 PA 232 (MCL 791.244). TIE BAR WITH: HB 4375'11
Last Action: printed bill filed 03/04/2011
HB 4375 of 2011 House Bill Corrections; prisoners; commutation hearings and procedures; expedite for prisoners who are terminally ill. Amends sec. 35 of 1953 PA 232 (MCL 791.235).
Last Action: printed bill filed 03/04/2011
HB 4391 of 2011 House Bill Education; discipline; adoption and implementation of policy prohibiting harassment, intimidation, or cyberbullying; require. Amends 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1 - 380.1852) by adding sec. 1310b.
Last Action: printed bill filed 03/09/2011
HB 4392 of 2011 House Bill Crimes; other; court to defer prosecution of person less than 18 years convicted of cyberbullying; allow under certain circumstances. Amends 1927 PA 175 (MCL 760.1 - 777.69) by adding sec. 4b to ch. IX.
Last Action: printed bill filed 03/09/2011
HB 4393 of 2011
(PA 125 of 2012)
House Bill Liquor; drinking age; certain minors; exempt from underage drinking violation under certain circumstances. Amends sec. 703 of 1998 PA 58 (MCL 436.1703).
Last Action: assigned PA 125'12 with immediate effect
HB 4402 of 2011 House Bill Education; school districts; smaller class size in underperforming schools; require. Amends sec. 1280 of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1280).
Last Action: printed bill filed 03/10/2011
HB 4422 of 2011 House Bill Property tax; exemptions; poverty exemption; revise. Amends sec. 7u of 1893 PA 206 (MCL 211.7u).
Last Action: printed bill filed 03/16/2011
HB 4423 of 2011 House Bill Property tax; other; assessment change notice; revise. Amends sec. 24c of 1893 PA 206 (MCL 211.24c).
Last Action: printed bill filed 03/16/2011
HB 4424 of 2011 House Bill Property tax; delinquent taxes; items included in delinquent taxes; exclude water and utility bills. Amends sec. 78a of 1893 PA 206 (MCL 211.78a).
Last Action: printed bill filed 03/16/2011
HB 4425 of 2011 House Bill Property tax; appeals; resident protest to board of review by letter; allow. Amends sec. 30 of 1893 PA 206 (MCL 211.30).
Last Action: printed bill filed 03/16/2011
HB 4426 of 2011 House Bill Property tax; delinquent taxes; first notice of forfeiture; revise. Amends sec. 78c of 1893 PA 206 (MCL 211.78c).
Last Action: printed bill filed 03/16/2011
HB 4427 of 2011 House Bill Property tax; delinquent taxes; second notice of forfeiture; revise. Amends sec. 78f of 1893 PA 206 (MCL 211.78f).
Last Action: printed bill filed 03/16/2011
HB 4428 of 2011 House Bill Property tax; delinquent taxes; additional interest upon forfeiture; permit waiver under certain circumstances. Amends sec. 78g of 1893 PA 206 (MCL 211.78g).
Last Action: printed bill filed 03/16/2011
HB 4429 of 2011 House Bill Property tax; delinquent taxes; eligibility requirements to withhold property from the petition for foreclosure; revise. Amends sec. 78h of 1893 PA 206 (MCL 211.78h).
Last Action: printed bill filed 03/16/2011
HB 4430 of 2011 House Bill Property tax; delinquent taxes; notice requirements for show cause hearing and foreclosure hearing; revise. Amends sec. 78i of 1893 PA 206 (MCL 211.78i).
Last Action: printed bill filed 03/16/2011
HB 4431 of 2011 House Bill Property tax; delinquent taxes; notice of judgment foreclosing property; revise. Amends sec. 78k of 1893 PA 206 (MCL 211.78k).
Last Action: printed bill filed 03/16/2011
HB 4432 of 2011 House Bill Civil procedure; foreclosure; foreclosure of mortgages; require notice to local unit of government before foreclosure. Amends sec. 3204 of 1961 PA 236 (MCL 600.3204) & adds sec. 3104.
Last Action: printed bill filed 03/16/2011
HB 4438 of 2011 House Bill Weapons; firearms; weapon-free zones; amend concealed weapon act to include libraries. Amends sec. 5o of 1927 PA 372 (MCL 28.425o).
Last Action: printed bill filed 03/16/2011
HB 4439 of 2011 House Bill Weapons; firearms; weapon-free zones; amend provisions in Michigan penal code to include libraries. Amends sec. 234d of 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.234d).
Last Action: printed bill filed 03/16/2011
HB 4440 of 2011 House Bill Torts; product liability; limitation on liability for drugs that have been approved by federal food and drug administration; rescind. Amends sec. 2946 of 1961 PA 236 (MCL 600.2946).
Last Action: motion to discharge committee postponed for day
HB 4441 of 2011
(PA 51 of 2011)
House Bill Health facilities; certificate of need; requirements applicable to hospitals providing extended care services through swing beds; eliminate requirement to transfer patient to other bed within a 50-mile radius, require a discharge plan, and provide other general amendments. Amends secs. 22208 & 22210 of 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.22208 & 333.22210).
Last Action: assigned PA 51'11 with immediate effect
HB 4442 of 2011
(PA 52 of 2011)
House Bill Administrative procedure; rules; definition of rule; revise to reflect elimination of state law regarding federal swing-bed program. Amends sec. 7 of 1969 PA 306 (MCL 24.407). TIE BAR WITH: HB 4441'11
Last Action: assigned PA 52'11 with immediate effect
HB 4443 of 2011
(PA 53 of 2011)
House Bill Human services; medical services; medicaid payments for swing-bed services; revise reference to reflect elimination of state law regarding the federal program. Amends sec. 109 of 1939 PA 280 (MCL 400.109). TIE BAR WITH: HB 4441'11
Last Action: assigned PA 53'11 with immediate effect
HB 4468 of 2011 House Bill Vehicles; equipment; use of headlights while operating a vehicle in precipitation; require. Amends sec. 684 of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.684).
Last Action: printed bill filed 03/23/2011
HB 4477 of 2011 House Bill Villages; general law; posting of legal notices as alternative to publishing; provide for. Amends sec. 1, ch. II & sec. 4, ch. VI of 1895 PA 3 (MCL 62.1 & 66.4) & adds sec. 4 to ch. XIV.
Last Action: printed bill filed 03/23/2011
HB 4478 of 2011
(PA 207 of 2011)
House Bill Criminal procedure; sentencing guidelines; sentencing guidelines for forgery and uttering and publishing of real estate instruments; enact. Amends sec. 16n, ch. XVII of 1927 PA 175 (MCL 777.16n). TIE BAR WITH: HB 4462'11
Last Action: assigned PA 207'11 with immediate effect
HB 4487 of 2011 House Bill Financial institutions; generally; residential mortgage fraud; prohibit. Amends 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.1 - 750.568) by adding sec. 219d.
Last Action: recommendation concurred in
HB 4488 of 2011 House Bill Crimes; fraud; value thresholds for crime of false pretenses; revise. Amends sec. 218 of 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.218).
Last Action: recommendation concurred in
HB 4489 of 2011 House Bill Criminal procedure; sentencing guidelines; sentencing guidelines for crime of false pretenses; revise to reflect increased penalties. Amends sec. 16l, ch. XVII of 1927 PA 175 (MCL 777.16l). TIE BAR WITH: HB 4488'11
Last Action: recommendation concurred in
HB 4490 of 2011 House Bill Criminal procedure; statute of limitations; certain crimes relating to real property; revise statute of limitations. Amends sec. 24, ch. VII of 1927 PA 175 (MCL 767.24). TIE BAR WITH: HB 4487'11
Last Action: recommendation concurred in
HB 4491 of 2011 House Bill Occupations; notaries public; penalties for notary public violations; clarify, and increase. Amends secs. 41, 43 & 49 of 2003 PA 238 (MCL 55.301 et seq.).
Last Action: recommendation concurred in
HB 4492 of 2011
(PA 208 of 2011)
House Bill Criminal procedure; sentencing guidelines; sentencing guidelines for notary public violations; enact. Amends sec. 11c, ch. XVII of 1927 PA 175 (MCL 777.11c). TIE BAR WITH: SB 0252'11
Last Action: assigned PA 208'11 with immediate effect
HB 4493 of 2011 House Bill Economic development; plant rehabilitation; definition of speculative building to include certain existing facilities and revoked certificates; modify. Amends secs. 2, 4, 7, 9 & 10 of 1974 PA 198 (MCL 207.552 et seq.).
Last Action: printed bill filed 03/25/2011
HB 4494 of 2011 House Bill Economic development; plant rehabilitation; definition of facility to include certain existing facilities; modify. Amends secs. 11, 14, 15, 16 & 16a of 1974 PA 198 (MCL 207.561 et seq.).
Last Action: printed bill filed 03/25/2011
HB 4495 of 2011 House Bill Criminal procedure; sentencing guidelines; sentencing guidelines for crime of mortgage fraud; enact. Amends sec. 16l, ch. XVII of 1927 PA 175 (MCL 777.16l). TIE BAR WITH: HB 4487'11
Last Action: recommendation concurred in
HB 4520 of 2011 House Bill Elections; absent voters; absent voter ballot; issue upon voter's request without requiring justification. Amends secs. 758, 759 & 759b of 1954 PA 116 (MCL 168.758 et seq.).
Last Action: printed bill filed 04/13/2011
HB 4539 of 2011 House Bill Crimes; gambling; gaming under the lottery act; exempt from punishment as gambling under the penal code. Amends 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.1 - 750.568) by adding secs. 310c & 376b.
Last Action: printed bill filed 04/14/2011
HB 4540 of 2011 House Bill Gaming; lottery; lottery pools; allow to purchase state lottery tickets. Amends sec. 27 of 1972 PA 239 (MCL 432.27).
Last Action: printed bill filed 04/14/2011
HB 4541 of 2011 House Bill Civil procedure; injunctions; gaming under the lottery act; except from gambling that may be enjoined as a nuisance. Amends sec. 3801 of 1961 PA 236 (MCL 600.3801).
Last Action: printed bill filed 04/14/2011
HB 4557 of 2011 House Bill Legislature; apportionment; hearings on legislative redistricting plans; require. Amends sec. 1 of 1996 PA 463 (MCL 4.261).
Last Action: printed bill filed 04/15/2011
HB 4558 of 2011 House Bill Legislature; apportionment; house and senate website for redistricting process; create. Creates new act.
Last Action: printed bill filed 04/15/2011
HB 4559 of 2011 House Bill Legislature; apportionment; hearings on congressional redistricting plan; require. Amends sec. 2 of 1999 PA 221 (MCL 3.62).
Last Action: printed bill filed 04/15/2011
HB 4560 of 2011 House Bill Education; financing; school district's permissible use of sinking funds; expand. Amends sec. 1212 of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1212).
Last Action: printed bill filed 04/15/2011
HB 4561 of 2011
(PA 504 of 2012)
House Bill Construction; code; Michigan residential code; beginning in 2015, update every 3 or 6 years. Amends sec. 4 of 1972 PA 230 (MCL 125.1504).
Last Action: assigned PA 504'12 2012 ADDENDA
HB 4568 of 2011 House Bill Education; financing; levy of 3-mill enhancement millage at local school district level; allow. Amends sec. 1211c of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1211c).
Last Action: printed bill filed 04/22/2011
HB 4578 of 2011
(PA 41 of 2012)
House Bill Environmental protection; sewage; land application of septage waste; preempt certain local restrictions. Amends sec. 11715 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.11715).
Last Action: assigned PA 41'12 with immediate effect
HB 4603 of 2011 House Bill Occupations; physical therapists; practice of physical therapy; allow without a prescription from another licensed health professional. Amends secs. 17801, 17820 & 17824 of 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.17801 et seq.) & repeals sec. 17822 of 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.17822).
Last Action: printed bill filed 05/04/2011
HB 4611 of 2011 House Bill Civil rights; employment discrimination; discrimination for failing to provide equal compensation for comparable work; prohibit under certain circumstances. Amends secs. 102, 103 & 202 of 1976 PA 453 (MCL 37.2102 et seq.).
Last Action: motion to discharge committee postponed for day
HB 4612 of 2011 House Bill Crimes; other; provision regarding wage discrimination based on sex; modify. Amends sec. 556 of 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.556).
Last Action: printed bill filed 05/05/2011
HB 4615 of 2011 House Bill Businesses; business corporations; benefit corporations; authorize in business corporation act. Amends secs. 105, 106, 202, 211 & 911 of 1972 PA 284 (MCL 450.1105 et seq.). TIE BAR WITH: HB 4616'11
Last Action: printed bill filed 05/05/2011
HB 4616 of 2011 House Bill Businesses; business corporations; benefit corporations; create. Amends 1972 PA 284 (MCL 450.1101 - 450.2098) by adding ch. 9A. TIE BAR WITH: HB 4615'11
Last Action: printed bill filed 05/05/2011
HB 4619 of 2011 House Bill Employment security; administration; maximum benefit period; modify. Amends sec. 27 of 1936 (Ex Sess) PA 1 (MCL 421.27).
Last Action: motion to discharge committee postponed for day
HB 4635 of 2011 House Bill Transportation; other; community benefits agreement; require state of Michigan participation. Amends 1964 PA 286 (MCL 247.801 - 247.816) by adding sec. 6c.
Last Action: printed bill filed 05/12/2011
HB 4636 of 2011 House Bill Highways; construction and repair; projects related to the Detroit river international crossing; exempt from cost-sharing requirements. Amends sec. 1c of 1951 PA 51 (MCL 247.651c).
Last Action: printed bill filed 05/12/2011
HB 4659 of 2011 House Bill State agencies (existing); technology, management, and budget; state agency compliance with Michigan progress board benchmarks; monitor. Amends 1984 PA 431 (MCL 18.1101 - 18.1594) by adding sec. 218.
Last Action: printed bill filed 05/19/2011
HB 4660 of 2011 House Bill State agencies (existing); technology, management, and budget; Michigan progress board; create. Creates new act.
Last Action: printed bill filed 05/19/2011
HB 4662 of 2011 House Bill Health; pharmaceuticals; dispensing of ephedrine and pseudoephedrine; allow by prescription only. Amends secs. 7340, 17708 & 17766d of 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.7340 et seq.) & repeals secs. 17766c, 17766e & 17766f.
Last Action: printed bill filed 05/19/2011
HB 4687 of 2011 House Bill Public utilities; other; exempting certain entities from 10% customer choice cap; provide for. Amends sec. 10a of 1939 PA 3 (MCL 460.10a).
Last Action: printed bill filed 06/01/2011
HB 4691 of 2011
(PA 69 of 2012)
House Bill Courts; juries; exemption for nursing mothers from jury duty; provide for under certain circumstances. Amends sec. 1307a of 1961 PA 236 (MCL 600.1307a).
Last Action: assigned PA 69'12 with immediate effect
HB 4697 of 2011 House Bill Property tax; exemptions; certain energy conversion devices; exempt. Amends 1893 PA 206 (MCL 211.1 - 211.155) by adding sec. 7oo.
Last Action: printed bill filed 06/01/2011
HB 4719 of 2011 House Bill Human services; food assistance; recipient's photographic image printed on the Michigan bridge card; require. Amends 1939 PA 280 (MCL 400.1 - 400.119b) by adding sec. 14k.
Last Action: printed bill filed 06/10/2011
HB 4727 of 2011
(PA 80 of 2011)
House Bill Labor; youth employment; waiver of work permit for minor performing work as unpaid volunteer for an agricultural fair or exhibition; provide for. Amends sec. 4 of 1978 PA 90 (MCL 409.104).
Last Action: assigned PA 80'11 with immediate effect
HB 4736 of 2011 House Bill Natural resources; gas and oil; presumption of liability for contamination of groundwater caused by chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing process; create. Amends 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.101 - 324.90106) by adding sec. 20126b.
Last Action: printed bill filed 06/15/2011
HB 4749 of 2011
(PA 86 of 2011)
House Bill Health; pharmaceuticals; sale or possession of ephedrine and pseudoephedrine; prohibit under certain circumstances and require retailer to enter sale information into a statewide tracking system. Amends secs. 17766c, 17766e & 17766f of 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.17766c et seq.). TIE BAR WITH: SB 0333'11
Last Action: assigned PA 86'11 with immediate effect
HB 4753 of 2011
(PA 497 of 2012)
House Bill Property tax; assessments; assessment cap on property if transferred to immediate family member and use does not change; retain. Amends sec. 27a of 1893 PA 206 (MCL 211.27a).
Last Action: assigned PA 497'12 with immediate effect 2012 ADDENDA
HB 4785 of 2011 House Bill Insurance; no-fault; catastrophic claims association; revise membership, require annual audit, make subject to open meetings act and freedom of information act, and provide for other general amendments. Amends secs. 134 & 3104 of 1956 PA 218 (MCL 500.134 & 500.3104). TIE BAR WITH: HB 4786'11
Last Action: printed bill filed 06/17/2011
HB 4786 of 2011 House Bill Civil rights; open meetings; catastrophic claims association; make subject to open meetings act. Amends secs. 2 & 3 of 1976 PA 267 (MCL 15.262 & 15.263). TIE BAR WITH: HB 4785'11
Last Action: printed bill filed 06/17/2011
HB 4800 of 2011 House Bill Education; intermediate school districts; timing and manner for submitting regional enhancement property tax question to the intermediate school electors in certain large intermediate school districts; modify. Amends sec. 705 of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.705).
HB 4801 of 2011 House Bill State; boundaries; accurate boundaries of the state; establish in statute. Amends title & secs. 1 & 2 of 1945 PA 78 (MCL 2.1 & 2.2).
Last Action: printed bill filed 06/24/2011
HB 4804 of 2011
(PA 458 of 2012)
House Bill Sales tax; collections; prepayment collection process; revise. Amends sec. 6 of 1933 PA 167 (MCL 205.56).
Last Action: assigned PA 458'12 with immediate effect 2012 ADDENDA
HB 4805 of 2011 House Bill Insurance; health care corporations; prescription coverage; expand to include certain contraceptives. Amends 1980 PA 350 (MCL 550.1101 - 550.1704) by adding sec. 416e.
Last Action: printed bill filed 06/24/2011
HB 4806 of 2011 House Bill Insurance; health; prescription coverage; expand to include certain contraceptives. Amends 1956 PA 218 (MCL 500.100 - 500.8302) by adding sec. 3406s.
Last Action: printed bill filed 06/24/2011
HB 4807 of 2011 House Bill Education; curricula; age appropriate, medically accurate, and objective sexuality education; provide for. Amends secs. 1169, 1507 & 1507b of 1976 PA 451 (MCL 380.1169 et seq.).
Last Action: printed bill filed 06/24/2011
HB 4808 of 2011 House Bill Occupations; pharmacists; requirement for a pharmacist to fill prescriptions without bias; provide for. Amends 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.1101 - 333.25211) by adding sec. 17744.
Last Action: printed bill filed 06/24/2011
HB 4809 of 2011 House Bill Health; other; emergency contraceptive education act; create. Amends 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.1101 - 333.25211) by adding pt. 98.
Last Action: printed bill filed 06/24/2011
HB 4810 of 2011 House Bill Insurance; health; Pap smears; require to be covered in certain cases. Amends 1956 PA 218 (MCL 500.100 - 500.8302) by adding sec. 3406s.
Last Action: printed bill filed 06/24/2011
HB 4811 of 2011 House Bill Insurance; health care corporations; Pap smears; require to be covered in certain cases. Amends 1980 PA 350 (MCL 550.1101 - 550.1704) by adding sec. 416e.
Last Action: printed bill filed 06/24/2011
HB 4812 of 2011 House Bill Insurance; health care corporations; coverage for infertility treatment; require if pregnancy-related benefits are provided. Amends 1980 PA 350 (MCL 550.1101 - 550.1704) by adding sec. 416e.
Last Action: printed bill filed 06/24/2011
HB 4813 of 2011 House Bill Insurance; health; coverage for infertility treatment; require if pregnancy-related benefits are provided. Amends 1956 PA 218 (MCL 500.100 - 500.8302) by adding sec. 3406s.
Last Action: printed bill filed 06/24/2011
HB 4814 of 2011 House Bill Health; other; crisis pregnancy organizations; require to provide certain information to pregnant women. Creates new act.
Last Action: printed bill filed 06/24/2011
HB 4816 of 2011 House Bill Traffic control; other; driver responsibility fees; eliminate. Amends sec. 732a of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.732a).
Last Action: printed bill filed 06/24/2011
HB 4825 of 2011 House Bill Trade; hazardous substances; addition of bittering agent to antifreeze; require. Creates new act.
Last Action: printed bill filed 06/29/2011
HB 4850 of 2011 House Bill Health; medical marihuana; transfers of medical marihuana; restrict, and limit defenses. Amends sec. 4 of 2008 IL 1 (MCL 333.26424).
Last Action: printed bill filed 07/01/2011
HB 4851 of 2011
(PA 512 of 2012)
House Bill Health; medical marihuana; definition of "bona fide physician-patient relationship", "enclosed, locked facility", and "primary caregiver"; clarify and condition privilege from arrest on presentation of I.D. Amends secs. 3, 4 & 8 of 2008 IL 1 (MCL 333.26423 et seq.).
Last Action: assigned PA 512'12 with immediate effect 2012 ADDENDA
HB 4855 of 2011 House Bill Trade; other; state trademark law; prohibit registration of trademark for any illegal activity. Amends sec. 2 of 1969 PA 242 (MCL 429.32).
Last Action: printed bill filed 07/01/2011
HB 4978 of 2011
(PA 55 of 2012)
House Bill Vehicles; registration plates; distribution of funds collected for the organ and tissue donation education fund; modify, and change fund name to the Thomas Daley gift of life fund. Amends secs. 307 & 811k of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.307 & 257.811k); adds sec. 811s & repeals sec. 217o of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.217o). TIE BAR WITH: SB 0534'11
Last Action: assigned PA 55'12 with immediate effect
HB 4983 of 2011 House Bill Appropriations; supplemental; negative supplemental for fiscal year 2011-2012; provide for. Creates appropriation act.
Last Action: printed bill filed 09/16/2011
HB 4996 of 2011 House Bill Traffic control; traffic regulation; alternative method for signaling a turn; allow when operating a bicycle. Amends sec. 648 of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.648).
Last Action: printed bill filed 09/21/2011
HB 5001 of 2011 House Bill Income tax; checkoff; Detroit college promise fund; provide check-off option. Amends sec. 435 of 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.435).
Last Action: placed on third reading
HB 5009 of 2011 House Bill Gaming; other; exemption for card playing at certain senior citizen facilities; expand. Amends sec. 303a of 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.303a).
Last Action: postponed temporarily
HB 5012 of 2011 House Bill Criminal procedure; statute of limitations; filing for certain indictments; modify. Amends sec. 24, ch. VII of 1927 PA 175 (MCL 767.24).
Last Action: printed bill filed 09/28/2011
HB 5038 of 2011 House Bill Labor; fair employment practices; employee right to be free from certain employer-required programs; create. Creates new act.
Last Action: printed bill filed 10/06/2011
HB 5045 of 2011
(PA 228 of 2012)
House Bill Highways; name; portion of US-24; designate as the "Corporal Matthew Edwards Memorial Highway". Amends 2001 PA 142 (MCL 250.1001 - 250.2080) by adding sec. 1071.
Last Action: assigned PA 228'12 with immediate effect
HB 5117 of 2011 House Bill Vehicles; registration plates; purchase of a second disabled veteran vehicle registration plate; allow for certain individuals. Amends sec. 803f of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.803f).
Last Action: printed bill filed 10/26/2011
HB 5118 of 2011 House Bill Transportation; motor fuel tax; deductions for remitting fuel tax by suppliers; eliminate after October 1, 2012. Amends secs. 14, 82 & 87 of 2000 PA 403 (MCL 207.1014 et seq.).
Last Action: printed bill filed 10/26/2011
HB 5137 of 2011 House Bill Economic development; other; center for microenterprise development; create. Amends 1984 PA 270 (MCL 125.2001 - 125.2094) by adding ch. 7A.
Last Action: printed bill filed 11/02/2011
HB 5144 of 2011 House Bill Income tax; credit; credit against corporate income tax for certain employers that provide employment for certain veterans; create. Amends 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.1 - 206.713) by adding sec. 672a.
Last Action: motion to discharge committee postponed for day
HB 5149 of 2011 House Bill Natural resources; gas and oil; exemptions of oil and gas operations; eliminate from water withdrawal statute. Amends sec. 32727 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.32727).
Last Action: printed bill filed 11/04/2011
HB 5150 of 2011 House Bill Natural resources; gas and oil; hydraulic fracturing; prohibit under certain circumstances. Amends 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.101 - 324.90106) by adding sec. 61505b. TIE BAR WITH: HB 5151'11
Last Action: printed bill filed 11/04/2011
HB 5151 of 2011 House Bill Natural resources; gas and oil; hydraulic fracturing; provide for study and funding of the study. Amends sec. 61501 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.61501) & adds secs. 61528, 61529 & 61530.
Last Action: printed bill filed 11/04/2011
HB 5162 of 2011
(PA 335 of 2012)
House Bill Courts; circuit court; veterans treatment court; create. Amends 1961 PA 236 (MCL 600.101 - 600.9947) by adding ch. 12. TIE BAR WITH: HB 5159'11
Last Action: assigned PA 335'12 with immediate effect
HB 5168 of 2011 House Bill Economic development; other; endowment funds investment act; create. Creates new act.
Last Action: printed bill filed 11/14/2011
HB 5169 of 2011 House Bill Financial institutions; other; organization of business development corporations by financial institutions; provide for. Creates new act. TIE BAR WITH: HB 5170'11
Last Action: printed bill filed 11/14/2011
HB 5170 of 2011 House Bill Income tax; exemptions; Michigan business development corporations and certain financial institutions; provide for. Amends sec. 625 of 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.625). TIE BAR WITH: HB 5168'11, HB 5169'11
Last Action: printed bill filed 11/14/2011
HB 5171 of 2011 House Bill Financial institutions; savings banks; participation in business development corporations; authorize. Amends sec. 404 of 1996 PA 354 (MCL 487.3404). TIE BAR WITH: HB 5169'11
Last Action: printed bill filed 11/14/2011
HB 5172 of 2011 House Bill Financial institutions; banks; participation in business development corporations; authorize. Amends sec. 4304 of 1999 PA 276 (MCL 487.14304). TIE BAR WITH: HB 5169'11
Last Action: printed bill filed 11/14/2011
HB 5173 of 2011 House Bill Financial institutions; credit unions; participation in business development corporations; allow. Amends sec. 431 of 2003 PA 215 (MCL 490.431). TIE BAR WITH: HB 5169'11
Last Action: printed bill filed 11/14/2011
HB 5178 of 2011
(PA 135 of 2012)
House Bill Property tax; exemptions; poverty exemption; revise filing requirements. Amends sec. 7u of 1893 PA 206 (MCL 211.7u).
Last Action: assigned PA 135'12 with immediate effect
SCR 0037 of 2012 Senate Concurrent Resolution A concurrent resolution of tribute offered as a memorial for Philip O. Mastin, Jr., former member of the House of Representatives and the Senate.
HCR 0043 of 2012 House Concurrent Resolution A concurrent resolution to memorialize Congress to expand the use of Food Assistance Program dollars to include personal hygiene products and home cleaning supplies.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Families, Children, and Seniors
HCR 0051 of 2012 House Concurrent Resolution A concurrent resolution to memorialize Congress to fund the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) at Michigan State University to its full scheduled appropriation level.
HCR 0055 of 2012 House Concurrent Resolution A concurrent resolution to memorialize the Congress of the United States to intervene to prevent the closure of the U.S. Postal Service's Processing and Distribution Center in Lansing, Michigan.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Government Operations
HR 0175 of 2012 House Resolution A resolution to urge the United States Department of Defense to maintain its plan to deliver no fewer than four C-27J aircraft to the 110th Airlift Wing of the Air National Guard in Battle Creek.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0181 of 2012 House Resolution A resolution to declare February 3, 2012, as Wear Red Day in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0218 of 2012 House Resolution A resolution to memorialize Congress to fund the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) at Michigan State University to its full scheduled appropriation level.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0223 of 2012 House Resolution A resolution to express support for access to preventive health care services, including contraception, for all women and to strongly support insurance coverage of contraception without co-pays and cost-sharing.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Health Policy
HR 0224 of 2012 House Resolution A resolution to declare March 2012 as Women's History Month in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0238 of 2012 House Resolution A resolution to urge the Michigan Board of State Canvassers to protect the rights of the people under the Constitution of the State of Michigan of 1963 and certify the petition calling for a referendum on Public Act 4 of 2011.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Government Operations
HR 0247 of 2012 House Resolution A resolution to declare April 30-May 6, 2012, as Screen-Free Week in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0254 of 2012 House Resolution A resolution to declare May 2012 as Criminal Consequence Awareness Month in the state of Michigan.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0255 of 2012 House Resolution A resolution to commemorate the Mental Health Association in Michigan on its 75th anniversary.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0269 of 2012 House Resolution A resolution to urge Congress to extend the 3.4 percent federal Stafford student loan rates and avoid a doubling of those rates to 6.8 percent on July 1st.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Education
HR 0293 of 2012 House Resolution A resolution to offer best wishes to Muslims in Michigan and worldwide on the joyous and meaningful observance of Ramadan, a month of reflection and prayer.
Last Action: adopted
HR 0303 of 2012 House Resolution A resolution to call on the House Standing Committee on Oversight, Reform, and Ethics to conduct an investigation, with public hearings in compliance with the Open Meetings Act, of any ethics misconduct, violations of House Rules, or misuse of state resources by members and staff in the candidate filings for the 76th House District.
Last Action: adverse roll call
HB 5267 of 2012
(PA 465 of 2012)
House Bill School aid; membership; special pupil membership count for qualifying dropout recovery program; provide for, and adjust certain other membership calculations and fund sources. Amends secs. 6, 11, 25, 26b & 201 of 1979 PA 94 (MCL 388.1606 et seq.) & adds secs. 23a & 25d. TIE BAR WITH: SB 0969'12
Last Action: assigned PA 465'12 with immediate effect 2012 ADDENDA
HB 5273 of 2012 House Bill Health facilities; other; backup emergency generator at dialysis treatment centers; require. Amends 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.1101 - 333.25211) by adding sec. 20135.
Last Action: printed bill filed 01/25/2012
HB 5293 of 2012 House Bill Construction; code; periodic inspection to determine school building compliance; require. Amends title & secs. 1b & 5a of 1937 PA 306 (MCL 388.851b & 388.855a) & adds sec. 3a.
Last Action: printed bill filed 01/27/2012
HB 5334 of 2012 House Bill Natural resources; hunting; lifetime hunting and fishing licenses; provide for. Amends sec. 44103 of 1994 PA 451 (MCL 324.44103) & adds sec. 44102a.
Last Action: printed bill filed 02/02/2012
HB 5335 of 2012 House Bill Civil rights; open meetings; physical presence required for vote; clarify. Amends sec. 3 of 1976 PA 267 (MCL 15.263).
HB 5338 of 2012
(PA 180 of 2012)
House Bill Controlled substances; schedules; certain procedures for scheduling controlled substances; revise, and provide criteria for determining whether a substance constitutes an imitation controlled substance. Amends secs. 2251 & 7341 of 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.2251 & 333.7341). TIE BAR WITH: HB 5714'12, SB 0789'11
Last Action: assigned PA 180'12 with immediate effect
HB 5348 of 2012 House Bill Campaign finance; other; independent expenditures; require compliance with campaign finance act. Amends 1976 PA 388 (MCL 169.201 - 169.282) by adding sec. 55g. TIE BAR WITH: HB 5350'12, HB 5352'12, HB 5353'12, HB 5354'12
Last Action: re-referred to Committee on Redistricting and Elections
HB 5349 of 2012 House Bill Campaign finance; other; independent expenditures by corporations; require certain reports and disclaimers. Amends 1976 PA 388 (MCL 169.201 - 169.282) by adding sec. 55a.
Last Action: re-referred to Committee on Redistricting and Elections
HB 5350 of 2012 House Bill Campaign finance; contributions and expenditures; disclosure of independent expenditures by corporations; require. Amends 1976 PA 388 (MCL 169.201 - 169.282) by adding sec. 55b. TIE BAR WITH: HB 5348'12, HB 5352'12, HB 5353'12, HB 5354'12
Last Action: re-referred to Committee on Redistricting and Elections
HB 5351 of 2012 House Bill Campaign finance; contributions and expenditures; certain independent expenditures by corporations; prohibit. Amends 1976 PA 388 (MCL 169.201 - 169.282) by adding sec. 55c.
Last Action: re-referred to Committee on Redistricting and Elections
HB 5352 of 2012 House Bill Campaign finance; contributions and expenditures; contributions by certain foreign entities; prohibit. Amends 1976 PA 388 (MCL 169.201 - 169.282) by adding sec. 55d. TIE BAR WITH: HB 5348'12, HB 5350'12, HB 5353'12, HB 5354'12
Last Action: re-referred to Committee on Redistricting and Elections
HB 5353 of 2012 House Bill Campaign finance; violations; improper independent expenditures by a corporation; impose certain fines. Amends 1976 PA 388 (MCL 169.201 - 169.282) by adding sec. 55f. TIE BAR WITH: HB 5348'12, HB 5350'12, HB 5352'12, HB 5354'12
Last Action: re-referred to Committee on Redistricting and Elections
HB 5354 of 2012 House Bill Campaign finance; contributions and expenditures; independent expenditure provisions in the campaign finance act; update. Amends sec. 54 of 1976 PA 388 (MCL 169.254). TIE BAR WITH: HB 5348'12, HB 5350'12, HB 5352'12, HB 5353'12
Last Action: re-referred to Committee on Redistricting and Elections
HB 5356 of 2012 House Bill Public employees and officers; ethics; lobbying by former legislators and executive branch officers; prohibit for a defined period after leaving state service. Amends sec. 6a of 1978 PA 472 (MCL 4.416a).
Last Action: re-referred to Committee on Redistricting and Elections
HB 5357 of 2012 House Bill Campaign finance; other; candidate solicitations in state facilities; prohibit. Amends 1976 PA 388 (MCL 169.201 - 169.282) by adding sec. 57a.
Last Action: re-referred to Committee on Redistricting and Elections
HB 5358 of 2012 House Bill Occupations; lobbyists; lobbyist political contribution; restrict delivery of. Amends 1978 PA 472 (MCL 4.411 - 4.431) by adding sec. 11a.
Last Action: re-referred to Committee on Redistricting and Elections
HB 5359 of 2012 House Bill State financing and management; purchasing; gifts by state contractors to certain governmental officials; limit. Amends 1984 PA 431 (MCL 18.1101 - 18.1594) by adding sec. 264a.
Last Action: re-referred to Committee on Redistricting and Elections
HB 5361 of 2012 House Bill Public employees and officers; ethics; executive branch officials and employees ethics act; create. Creates new act & repeals 1968 PA 318 (MCL 15.301 - 15.310) & 1973 PA 196 (MCL 15.341 - 15.348).
Last Action: re-referred to Committee on Redistricting and Elections
HB 5390 of 2012 House Bill Sales tax; exemptions; definition of prosthetic devices; eliminate exception for dental prosthesis devices. Amends sec. 1a of 1933 PA 167 (MCL 205.51a).
Last Action: printed bill filed 02/10/2012
HB 5399 of 2012 House Bill Civil procedure; statute of limitations; civil action for damages resulting from criminal sexual conduct against a minor; extend tolling of statute of limitations. Amends secs. 5838a & 5851 of 1961 PA 236 (MCL 600.5838a & 600.5851).
Last Action: printed bill filed 02/15/2012
HB 5426 of 2012 House Bill Health facilities; hospitals; development of an acuity system and staffing plan for nurses; require. Amends 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.1101 - 333.25211) by adding sec. 21525.
Last Action: printed bill filed 02/22/2012
HB 5427 of 2012 House Bill Civil procedure; execution; property exempt from garnishment and execution; modify. Amends sec. 6023 of 1961 PA 236 (MCL 600.6023) & repeals secs. 5451 & 6023a of 1961 PA 236 (MCL 600.5451 & 600.6023a).
Last Action: printed bill filed 02/23/2012
HB 5430 of 2012 House Bill Civil procedure; civil actions; false claims act; enact. Creates new act.
Last Action: printed bill filed 02/24/2012
HB 5470 of 2012 House Bill State financing and management; other; requirement for fiscal agencies to score certain tax expenditures; implement. Amends secs. 501 & 601 of 1986 PA 268 (MCL 4.1501 & 4.1601).
Last Action: printed bill filed 03/14/2012
HB 5471 of 2012 House Bill Higher education; financial aid; grant program for certain state high school graduates to attend state universities and community colleges; establish, and create Michigan higher education grant trust fund. Creates new act. TIE BAR WITH: SB 1017'12
Last Action: printed bill filed 03/14/2012
HB 5487 of 2012
(PA 529 of 2012)
House Bill Law enforcement; other; certification requirements for certain agents of county road commission; clarify, and clarify their authority to issue certain citations. Amends secs. 42 & 726c of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.42 & 257.726c).
Last Action: assigned PA 529'12 2012 ADDENDA
HB 5503 of 2012 House Bill Public utilities; electric utilities; cap on electric choice; modify. Amends sec. 10a of 1939 PA 3 (MCL 460.10a).
Last Action: printed bill filed 03/22/2012
HB 5505 of 2012 House Bill Agriculture; products; buy Michigan first program to encourage the purchase of agricultural products from farms within this state; provide for. Creates new act.
Last Action: printed bill filed 03/22/2012
HB 5506 of 2012 House Bill Agriculture; products; farm-to-school grant program; create. Creates new act.
Last Action: printed bill filed 03/22/2012
HB 5511 of 2012 House Bill Campaign finance; statements and reports; postelection statement; modify. Amends sec. 848 of 1954 PA 116 (MCL 168.848). TIE BAR WITH: HB 5512'12
Last Action: referred to second reading
HB 5512 of 2012 House Bill Campaign finance; other; payment plan for certain fines or fees; allow for. Amends sec. 15 of 1976 PA 388 (MCL 169.215).
Last Action: referred to second reading
HB 5562 of 2012
(PA 194 of 2012)
House Bill Crimes; crimes against minors; child abuse penalties; enhance, and provide penalties for crimes involving the commission of child abuse in the presence of another child. Amends sec. 136b of 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.136b) & adds sec. 136d.
Last Action: assigned PA 194'12 with immediate effect
HB 5563 of 2012
(PA 195 of 2012)
House Bill Criminal procedure; sentencing guidelines; sentencing guidelines for crime of first degree and second degree child abuse; revise, and provide penalties for crimes involving the commission of child abuse in the presence of another child. Amends sec. 16g, ch. XVII of 1927 PA 175 (MCL 777.16g). TIE BAR WITH: HB 5562'12
Last Action: assigned PA 195'12 with immediate effect
HB 5592 of 2012
(PA 304 of 2012)
House Bill Civil procedure; garnishment; effective period for writ of wage garnishment; extend. Amends sec. 4012 of 1961 PA 236 (MCL 600.4012).
Last Action: assigned PA 304'12 with immediate effect
HB 5624 of 2012 House Bill Labor; hours and wages; minimum wage; increase, and index to consumer price index. Amends secs. 4 & 7a of 1964 PA 154 (MCL 408.384 & 408.387a).
Last Action: printed bill filed 05/16/2012
HB 5640 of 2012 House Bill Income tax; income; certain credits, deductions, and exemptions; restore. Amends secs. 30, 520 & 522 of 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.30 et seq.) & adds sec. 274.
Last Action: printed bill filed 05/16/2012
HB 5642 of 2012 House Bill Property tax; principal residence exemption; calculating or charging interest during appeal process; prohibit. Amends sec. 7cc of 1893 PA 206 (MCL 211.7cc).
Last Action: printed bill filed 05/17/2012
HB 5678 of 2012 House Bill Sales tax; exemptions; over-the-counter tax on prescription medications; exempt. Amends sec. 4g of 1933 PA 167 (MCL 205.54g).
HB 5682 of 2012 House Bill Family law; other; definition of eligible domestic relations order; modify. Amends sec. 2 of 1991 PA 46 (MCL 38.1702).
HB 5714 of 2012
(PA 181 of 2012)
House Bill Administrative procedure; rules; promulgation of an emergency rule for scheduling certain controlled substances; allow. Amends sec. 48 of 1969 PA 306 (MCL 24.248). TIE BAR WITH: HB 5338'12, SB 0789'11
Last Action: assigned PA 181'12 with immediate effect
HB 5721 of 2012 House Bill Elections; offenses; provision relating to penalty of perjury; expand to include a person who assists another person in committing perjury. Amends secs. 933 & 936 of 1954 PA 116 (MCL 168.933 & 168.936).
Last Action: printed bill filed 06/04/2012
HB 5722 of 2012 House Bill Elections; offenses; penalty imposed for perjury; increase. Amends sec. 936 of 1954 PA 116 (MCL 168.936).
Last Action: printed bill filed 06/04/2012
HB 5767 of 2012 House Bill Highways; name; portion of I-375; designate as the "First Michigan Colored Infantry Regiment Memorial Highway". Amends 2001 PA 142 (MCL 250.1001 - 250.2080) by adding sec. 1076.
Last Action: printed bill filed 06/15/2012
HB 5779 of 2012 House Bill Family law; marriage and divorce; provision regarding name change upon divorce; revise to make gender neutral. Amends title & sec. 1 of 1905 PA 299 (MCL 552.391). TIE BAR WITH: HB 5766'12
Last Action: printed bill filed 07/19/2012
HB 5782 of 2012 House Bill Insurance; property and casualty; insurance renaissance zones; allow certain cities to create. Amends secs. 2106, 2111 & 3104 of 1956 PA 218 (MCL 500.2106 et seq.) & adds ch. 25A.
Last Action: printed bill filed 07/19/2012
HB 5795 of 2012 House Bill Courts; records; digital court records and electronically filing court papers; allow. Amends secs. 832, 859, 1427, 2137 & 8344 of 1961 PA 236 (MCL 600.832 et seq.); adds secs. 1426 & 1428 & repeals 1949 PA 66 (MCL 780.221 - 780.225).
Last Action: printed bill filed 08/16/2012
HB 5796 of 2012 House Bill Courts; other; certain court fees; exempt prosecuting attorneys from paying. Amends secs. 321 & 2529 of 1961 PA 236 (MCL 600.321 & 600.2529).
Last Action: printed bill filed 08/16/2012
HB 5804 of 2012 House Bill Criminal procedure; defenses; statewide standards and accountability measures of trial level indigent criminal defense services; implement. Creates new act.
HB 5806 of 2012 House Bill Income tax; forms; annual return form; revise to include questions about city income tax liability. Amends sec. 471 of 1967 PA 281 (MCL 206.471).
Last Action: referred to second reading
HB 5847 of 2012 House Bill Elections; candidates; residency requirement for state senate and state representative candidates; modify. Amends sec. 161 of 1954 PA 116 (MCL 168.161). TIE BAR WITH: HJR AAA'12
Last Action: printed bill filed 09/12/2012
HB 5876 of 2012 House Bill Retirement; state employees; prohibition on employment after retirement; modify. Amends sec. 68c of 1943 PA 240 (MCL 38.68c).
Last Action: printed bill filed 09/12/2012
HB 5913 of 2012 House Bill Crimes; homicide; reference to vulnerable adult abuse in first degree murder statute; revise. Amends sec. 316 of 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.316).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Families, Children, and Seniors
HB 5929 of 2012 House Bill Probate; wills and estates; personal representative; give power to control the online mail, social media, and similar accounts of the deceased. Amends 1998 PA 386 (MCL 700.1101 - 700.8206) by adding sec. 3723.
Last Action: printed bill filed 09/21/2012
HB 5949 of 2012 House Bill Courts; juries; eligibility to postpone jury service of students; expand to include full-time higher education students. Amends sec. 1335 of 1961 PA 236 (MCL 600.1335).
Last Action: printed bill filed 09/28/2012
HB 6013 of 2012 House Bill Crimes; penalties; mandatory life imprisonment for certain crimes; revise to address prospective and retroactive application of United States supreme court decision in Miller v Alabama. Amends secs. 16, 18, 200i, 204, 207, 209, 210, 211a, 316, 436, 520b & 543f of 1931 PA 328 (MCL 750.16 et seq.).
Last Action: printed bill filed 11/09/2012
HB 6017 of 2012 House Bill Crimes; penalties; mandatory life imprisonment for certain crimes; revise to address prospective application of United States supreme court decision in Miller v Alabama. Amends secs. 16, 18, 200i, 204, 207, 209, 210, 211a, 316, 436, 520b & 543f (MCL 750.16 et seq.).
Last Action: printed bill filed 11/09/2012