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Legislative Session(s): 2009-2010
Document Type(s): Bills
Primary Sponsor Only: True
Sponsor: Justin Amash
(17 results found)
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Document Type Description
HJR Z of 2009 House Joint Resolution Constitutional amendments; state; affirmation of right for independent health care; provide for. Amends the state constitution by adding sec. 28 to art. I.
Last Action: motion to discharge committee postponed for day
HJR PP of 2009 House Joint Resolution Property; condemnation; compensation for loss of value to property due to government regulations; enhance. Amends the state constitution by adding sec. 7 to art. X.
Last Action: printed joint resolution filed 12/10/2009
HJR QQ of 2009 House Joint Resolution Legislature; other; tax increase; require concurrence of 2/3 of the members of each house to approve. Amends sec. 26, art. IV of the state constitution.
Last Action: printed joint resolution filed 12/10/2009
HR 0113 of 2009 House Resolution A resolution to affirm the individual rights secured under the Ninth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States and to urge the federal government to respect this fundamental protection.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Judiciary
HB 4728 of 2009 House Bill Michigan business tax; repeal; Michigan business tax; repeal. Repeals 2007 PA 36 (MCL 208.1101 - 208.1601).
Last Action: printed bill filed 04/01/2009
HB 5044 of 2009 House Bill Labor; collective bargaining; collection of service fee from unrepresented public workers; disallow. Amends sec. 10 of 1947 PA 336 (MCL 423.210).
Last Action: printed bill filed 06/05/2009
HB 5178 of 2009 House Bill Traffic control; driver license; forms of identification necessary to apply for driver license; include corrections identification card. Amends sec. 307 of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.307). TIE BAR WITH: HB 5176'09, HB 5177'09
HB 5247 of 2009 House Bill State financing and management; funds; strategic fund incentives for film production industry; sunset. Amends secs. 29a, 29d & 88d of 1984 PA 270 (MCL 125.2029a et seq.).
Last Action: reassign to Committee on Commerce 08/20/2009
HB 5524 of 2009 House Bill Labor; hours and wages; reference to repealed law; eliminate. Amends sec. 8 of 1974 PA 338 (MCL 125.1608). TIE BAR WITH: HB 5522'09
Last Action: printed bill filed 10/21/2009
HB 5665 of 2009 House Bill Labor; arbitration; compulsory arbitration of labor disputes in police and fire departments; repeal. Repeals 1969 PA 312 (MCL 423.231 - 423.247).
Last Action: printed bill filed 12/09/2009
HB 5677 of 2009 House Bill Property; condemnation; compensation for decline in value of private real property due to governmental regulation; provide for. Creates new act.
Last Action: printed bill filed 12/10/2009
HB 5723 of 2009 House Bill State financing and management; purchasing; software purchases; require consideration of suitability of open-source software prior to software purchase. Amends sec. 261d of 1984 PA 431 (MCL 18.1261d).
Last Action: printed bill filed 12/21/2009
HR 0262 of 2010 House Resolution A resolution to urge county road commissions and other local road authorities to examine traffic signal timing in order to improve traffic flow and reduce vehicle emissions.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Transportation
HB 5771 of 2010 House Bill Labor; public service employment; definition of public employee; clarify regarding union formation. Amends secs. 1 & 14 of 1947 PA 336 (MCL 423.201 & 423.214).
Last Action: printed bill filed 01/28/2010
HB 6103 of 2010 House Bill Michigan business tax; rate; modified gross receipts tax rate and compensation and investment tax credits; reduce rate and sunset credits. Amends secs. 203 & 403 of 2007 PA 36 (MCL 208.1203 & 208.1403). TIE BAR WITH: HB 5249'09, HB 6104'10, HB 6105'10, HB 6106'10, HB 6107'10, HB 6108'10, HB 6109'10, HB 6110'10, HB 6111'10, HB 6112'10, HB 6113'10, HB 6114'10, HB 6115'10, HB 6116'10, HB 6117'10, HB 6118'10, HB 6119'10
Last Action: printed bill filed 05/05/2010
HB 6112 of 2010 House Bill Michigan business tax; credit; Michigan economic growth authority credits; sunset new agreements. Amends sec. 431 of 2007 PA 36 (MCL 208.1431). TIE BAR WITH: HB 5249'09, HB 6103'10, HB 6104'10, HB 6105'10, HB 6106'10, HB 6107'10, HB 6108'10, HB 6109'10, HB 6110'10, HB 6111'10, HB 6113'10, HB 6114'10, HB 6115'10, HB 6116'10, HB 6117'10, HB 6118'10, HB 6119'10
Last Action: printed bill filed 05/05/2010
HB 6264 of 2010 House Bill Michigan business tax; credit; refundable tax credits for taxpayers located in a renaissance zone; prohibit. Amends 2007 PA 36 (MCL 208.1101 - 208.1601) by adding sec. 402.
Last Action: printed bill filed 06/16/2010