Section 333.2803 |
Section |
Definitions; A to F.
Section 333.2804 |
Section |
Definitions; I to R.
Section 333.2834 |
Section |
Report of fetal death; time, form, and manner; prohibited information; report if dead fetus delivered in or outside institution; notice to medical examiner; investigation and report; use and disposition of confidential statistical reports; disclosure identifying biological parents prohibited; incorporation of records into system of vital statistics; certificate of stillbirth.
Section 333.2848 |
Section |
Authorization for final disposition of dead body or fetus; time; form; retention of permit; religious service or ceremony not required; cremation; moving body; permit issued by other state.
Section 333.2854 |
Section |
Failure to comply with provisions of MCL 333.2848; violation; state civil infraction; civil fine.
Section 333.13807 |
Section |
Definitions; P to T.
Section 333.16221 |
Section |
Investigation of licensee, registrant, or applicant for licensure or registration; hearings, oaths, and testimony; complaint; grounds for proceeding under MCL 333.16226.
Section 333.16226 |
Section |
Sanctions; determination; judicial review; maximum and minimum fine for violation of MCL 333.16221(a) or (b); completion of program or examination; permanent revocation; finding; violation of MCL 333.16221(b)(xiv) or (xv); disciplinary subcommittee.
Section 333.16299 |
Section |
Violation as misdemeanor; penalties; exception.
Section 333.17015 |
Section |
Informed consent; definitions; duties of physician or assistant; location; disclosure of information; view of ultrasound; medical emergency necessitating abortion; duties of department; physician's duty to inform patient; validity of consent or certification form; right to abortion not created; prohibition; portion of act found invalid; duties of local health department; confidentiality.
Section 333.17015a |
Section |
Coercion; screening; protocols; report; availability of publications about violence against women; right to abortion not created.
Section 333.17515 |
Section |
Compliance with MCL 333.17015 and 333.17015a before performing abortion.
Section 333.20115 |
Section |
Rules defining or differentiating health facility or agency.