MICHIGAN LEGISLATURE(legislature.mi.gov)
Printed on 9/9/2024
Michigan Compiled Laws Complete Through PA 122 of 2024

Search Results

Public Act Number: 248
Public Act Year: 1996
Document Type(s): MCLs
(2 results found)
Document Type Description
Section 769.1 Section Authority and power of court; crimes for which juvenile to be sentenced as adult; fingerprints as condition to sentencing; hearing at juvenile's sentencing; determination; criteria; waiver; violation of MCL 333.7403; statement on record; transcript; reimbursement provision in order of commitment; disposition of collections; order to intercept tax refunds and initiate offset proceedings; notice; order directed to person responsible for juvenile's support; hearing; copy of order; retention of jurisdiction over juvenile; annual review; examination of juvenile's annual report; forwarding report.
Section 769.1.amended Section Authority and power of court; crimes for which juvenile to be sentenced as adult; fingerprints as condition to sentencing; hearing at juvenile's sentencing; determination; criteria; waiver; violation of MCL 333.7403; statement on record; transcript; notice; order directed to person responsible for juvenile's support; hearing; copy of order; retention of jurisdiction over juvenile; annual review; examination of juvenile's annual report; forwarding report.