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Public Act Number: 73
Public Act Year: 1999
Document Type(s): MCLs
(22 results found)
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Section 257.204a Section Central file of individual driving records; certified copies as evidence; electronic certification; use of computer-generated certified information; persons who may receive information contained in records maintained by secretary of state.
Section 257.204a.amended Section Central file of individual driving records; certified copies as evidence; electronic certification; use of computer-generated certified information; persons who may receive information contained in records maintained by secretary of state.
Section 257.219 Section Refusal of registration, transfer of registration, certificate of title, or salvage certificate of title; grounds; temporary registration plate.
Section 257.233 Section Transfer or assignment of title to, or interest in, registered vehicle; disposition of plates; application for new registration certificate; penalty; indorsement on certificate of title; effective date of transfer; submission of secured receipt.
Section 257.258 Section Registration or certificate of title; grounds for cancellation; elected gross weight violations; penalty; notice; hearing.
Section 257.303 Section Operator's or chauffeur's license; issuance; prohibitions; revocation; denial of license; multiple convictions or civil infractions; "felony in which a motor vehicle was used" defined.
Section 257.303.amended Section Operator's or chauffeur's license; issuance; prohibitions; revocation; denial of license; multiple convictions or civil infractions; "felony in which a motor vehicle was used" defined.
Section 257.310d Section Designation of license as probationary for 3 years; suspension of license or imposition of probationary terms and conditions; duration; reexamination; extension of probationary period; failure to appear for reexamination; notice; additional provisions.
Section 257.321a Section Failure to answer citation or notice to appear in court; failure to comply with order or judgment; notice and duration of suspension; exceptions; effect of failure to appear; giving copy of information transmitted to secretary of state to person; driver license reinstatement fees; failure to answer out-state citation, comply with out-state order or judgment, or appear in court or administrative tribunal under MCL 257.732; parking or standing of vehicle; resolution of outstanding matters regarding notices, orders, or citations; "a serious offense involving a motor vehicle" defined.
Section 257.323 Section Denial, revocation, suspension, or restriction of operator or chauffeur's license, vehicle group designation, or indorsement; final determination; petition for review of determination; order setting cause for hearing; service of order, petition, and affidavits on secretary of state's office; testimony and examination; order affirming, modifying, or setting aside restriction, suspension, or denial; conditions; restricted driving privileges; vehicle owned by employer; notification; other requirements.
Section 257.602a Section Failure to stop at signal of police or conservation officer; penalty; subsection (1) inapplicable unless officer in uniform and vehicle identified; violation of subsection (1) as felony; conviction for conduct arising out of same transaction; “serious injury” defined.
Section 257.605 Section Applicability and uniformity of provisions; local laws and regulations; payment and allocation of civil fines; issuance of more than 1 citation; equipment violations; "local law" defined.
Section 257.619 Section Accidents; duties of driver.
Section 257.625 Section Operating motor vehicle while intoxicated; "operating while intoxicated" defined; operating motor vehicle when visibly impaired; penalties for causing death or serious impairment of a body function; operation of motor vehicle by person less than 21 years of age; "any bodily alcohol content" defined; requirements; controlled substance; costs; enhanced sentence; guilty plea or nolo contendere; establishment of prior conviction; special verdict; public record; burden of proving religious service or ceremony; ignition interlock device; definitions; prior conviction; violations arising out of same transaction.
Section 257.625g Section Duties of peace officer if person refuses chemical test or if test reveals unlawful alcohol content or presence of controlled substance or other intoxicating substance; test results; duration of temporary license or permit; definitions.
Section 257.625h Section Drunk driving prevention equipment and training fund; drunk driving caseflow assistance fund.
Section 257.727c Section “Citation” defined; numbering, form, and parts of citation; modification and optional use of citation; complaint signed by police officer as made under oath; conditions.
Section 257.732 Section Record of cases; forwarding abstract of record or report to secretary of state; settlement; abstracts forwarded; "felony in which a motor vehicle was used" defined; statement; "felony in which a commercial motor vehicle was used" defined; certification that all abstracts forwarded; noncompliance as misconduct in office; location and public inspection of abstracts; entering abstracts on master driving record; exceptions; informing courts of violations; entering order of reversal in book or index; modifications; abstract as part of written notice to appear; immediate report; expunction prohibited.
Section 257.904 Section Operating vehicle if license, registration certificate, or vehicle group designation suspended, revoked, or denied; penalty; extending period of suspension or revocation; enhanced sentence; furnishing record to court; applicability.
Section 257.904.amended Section Operating vehicle if license, registration certificate, or vehicle group designation suspended, revoked, or denied; penalty; extending period of suspension or revocation; enhanced sentence; furnishing record to court; applicability.
Section 257.904c Section Vehicle immobilization required; duties of peace officer; validity of temporary vehicle registration; duration.
Section 257.904e Section Vehicle immobilization; manner; storage; removal; impoundment.