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Public Act Number: 431
Public Act Year: 2002
Document Type(s): MCLs
(4 results found)
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Document Type Description
Section 168.46 Section Presidential electors; certificate of ascertainment; determination by board of state canvassers; issuance by governor; exception mandatory recount; superseding certificate.
Section 168.544c Section Nominating petition; type size; form; contents; circulation and signing; validity of elector's signature; agreement of circulator to accept jurisdiction; service with legal process; violations; misdemeanor; felony; sanctions; refusal of individual to comply with subpoena; applicability of section to all sections.
Section 168.590h Section Qualifying petition; size; type size; form; reference to political party prohibited; prohibited conduct; violations; misdemeanor; felony; penalties.
Section 168.646a Section Election of local officer; nomination; certification of ballot wording; applicability of provisions.