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Public Act Number: 43
Public Act Year: 2021
Document Type(s): MCLs
(29 results found)
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Document Type Description
Section 257.42 Section "Police officer" defined.
Section 257.46 Section "Railroad" defined.
Section 257.48 Section "Railroad track" defined.
Section 257.49 Section "Railroad train" defined.
Section 257.63 Section "Streetcar" defined.
Section 257.63a Section "Streetcar track" defined.
Section 257.64a Section "Street railway" defined.
Section 257.64b Section "Street railway system" defined.
Section 257.69 Section "Traffic" defined.
Section 257.618a Section Vehicle accident; removal from main traveled portion of roadway or streetcar track; conditions; violation of subsection (1) as civil infraction; removal by law enforcement agency, public agency, or department; liability; "gross negligence" defined; reimbursement.
Section 257.634 Section Driving on right half of roadway; exceptions; driving on roadway having 2 or more lanes for travel in 1 direction; traveling on freeway having 3 or more lanes for travel in same direction; ordinance regulating same subject matter prohibited; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.660 Section Electric personal assistive mobility device, low-speed vehicle, commercial quadricycle; electric skateboard, or moped; operation; limitations; applicability to police officer; regulation by local government; prohibitions; regulation by department of natural resources.
Section 257.660a Section Operation of bicycle upon highway or street; riding close to right-hand curb or edge of roadway; exceptions.
Section 257.660d Section Parking bicycle or electric skateboard on sidewalk, highway, or street.
Section 257.673 Section Removal of illegally stopped bicycles or vehicles; costs.
Section 257.674 Section Prohibited parking; exceptions; bus loading zone; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.675d Section Authorizing and utilizing persons other than police officers to issue citations; violations; training program; definitions.
Section 257.676b Section Interference with normal flow of vehicular, streetcar, or pedestrian traffic prohibited; public utility facilities; solicitation of contributions on behalf of charitable or civic organization; violation as civil infraction; local regulations; "charitable or civic organization" defined.
Section 257.790 Section Operation of bicycle or vehicle on streetcar track; removal, overtaking, and passing; requirements; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.791 Section Use of street railway system or streetcar; prohibitions; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.791a Section Occupancy and use of a street railway system station; violation as a civil infraction; "shared station" defined.
Section 257.791b Section Smoking prohibited within or on streetcar or station; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.791c Section Animals, other than service or qualified animals prohibited on or in streetcar or station; violation as civil infraction; definitions.
Section 257.791d Section Food and beverages prohibited on or within a streetcar or station; exceptions; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.791e Section Disposal of garbage prohibited on or in a streetcar or station; violation as a civil infraction.
Section 257.791f Section Oversized baggage or commercial shopping cart prohibited on or within a streetcar or station.
Section 257.791g Section Disruptive conduct prohibited; live music permit; violation as civil infraction.
Section 257.792 Section Removal of bicycle, vehicle, cargo, or other personal property blocking, delaying, or interfering with movement of streetcar; liability; "gross negligence" defined; reimbursement by owner or carrier; definitions.
Section 257.793 Section Powers, immunities, and authority of law enforcement officers; sworn oath of office; monthly uniform crime reports.