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Public Act Number: 377
Public Act Year: 2010
Document Type(s): MCLs
(15 results found)
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Document Type Description
Act 169 of 1975 Statute CHARITABLE ORGANIZATIONS AND SOLICITATIONS ACT (400.271 - 400.294)
Section 400.272 Section Definitions.
Section 400.273 Section Charitable organization; registration; information to be included in registration statement; form; suspension of requirement to file registration statement; conditions.
Section 400.275 Section Examination of registration statement; registration; exceptions; charge not required.
Section 400.277 Section Expiration of registration; renewal of registration statement and supporting information.
Section 400.281 Section Designation of resident agent; service of process.
Section 400.283 Section Exemptions from registration and reporting requirements.
Section 400.286 Section Noncompliance; imposition of conditions.
Section 400.287a Section Suspension of license of professional fund raiser or registration of charitable organization or professional solicitor; imposition of conditions.
Section 400.288 Section Prohibited conduct; publishing names of contributors; identification.
Section 400.290 Section Grounds for injunction, court order, or judgment; additional remedies; actions by attorney general; assurance of discontinuance.
Section 400.291 Section Investigation; order of appearance or production; service; contempt; oath or affirmation.
Section 400.293 Section Conduct constituting misdemeanor; penalty; presumption; civil action; prosecution.
Section 400.293a Section Persons subject to act.
Section 400.293b Section Authority of prosecuting attorney to prosecute person subject to act.