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Public Act Number: 289
Public Act Year: 1995
Document Type(s): MCLs
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Act 451 of 1976 Statute THE REVISED SCHOOL CODE (380.1 - 380.1853)
Section 380.1 Section Short title.
Section 380.3 Section Definitions; A to C.
Section 380.5 Section Definitions; L to R.
Section 380.6 Section Definitions; S, T; "department" defined.
Section 380.10 Section Rights of parents and legal guardians; duties of public schools.
Section 380.11 Section Organization of school district.
Section 380.11a Section General powers school district.
Section 380.11b Section Report to legislature.
Section 380.401a Section First class school district; powers.
Section 380.416 Section Board; officers; quorum; vacancy in office of president; appointment and salary of secretary and treasurer; duties; bonds; custody and disposition of funds; board members elected in 2006.
Section 380.501 Section Public school academy; scope; powers; definitions.
Section 380.502 Section Public school academy; organization; operation; bodies authorized to issue contract; application to obtain contract; contents; oversight; suspension of powers; fees; presumption of legality; intergovernmental agreement to issue public school academy contracts.
Section 380.503 Section Public school academy; issuance of contract; priority; petition to place question on ballot; submission; resolution; contents of contract; compliance with applicable laws; governmental immunity; exemption from taxation; acquisition of property; oath of office.
Section 380.503a Section Public school academy; power of school or intermediate school district to levy taxes; use of revenues.
Section 380.504a Section Public school academy; additional powers.
Section 380.504b Section School district subject to court desegregation order.
Section 380.507 Section Authorizing body; duties; powers; fiscal agent; revocation of contract; notice of certain conditions; consideration of other public school options; decision to issue, not issue, or reconstitute contract, or terminate or revoke contract; discretion; corrective measures; transition for affected pupils upon revocation of contract; notice to superintendent of public instruction.
Section 380.601a Section Intermediate school district; powers.
Section 380.604 Section District as body corporate; suits; name.
Section 380.623 Section Board; duties generally; conducting business at public meeting; actions of board; public notice of meeting.
Section 380.624 Section Annual general fund operating budget.
Section 380.627 Section Board; additional duties; cooperative programs for information technology systems; comprehensive school improvement support services; cost-effective business services.
Section 380.687 Section Borrowing money and issuing bonds; purposes; limitation; submission to school electors; form of ballot; use of proceeds from bonds issued or refunded.
Section 380.690 Section Nonparticipation or participation by certain school districts in area vocational-technical education program; resolution; election; funding; expenditures; buildings, sites, and equipment.
Section 380.851 Section Consolidation of school districts to form single school district.
Section 380.953a Section Transfer of territory; basis for decision.
Section 380.971 Section Appeal to state board of education.
Section 380.1131 Section Provisions governing school districts.
Section 380.1137 Section Powers of parents and legal guardians; policies or guidelines.
Section 380.1153 Section Bilingual instruction program; establishment and operation.
Section 380.1155 Section Bilingual instruction program; notice of enrollment.
Section 380.1175 Section Public holidays; salaries not affected; commemorative exercises.
Section 380.1177 Section Immunization statements; vision screening test; immunization status and vision report; rules.
Section 380.1178 Section Administration of medication or epinephrine auto-injector to pupil or individual; liability; school employee as licensed registered professional nurse.
Section 380.1227 Section Estimates of necessary taxes; insurance reserve funds; adoption of budget; apportionment of school taxes.
Section 380.1228 Section Contract between school or intermediate district and public school academy to provide services.
Section 380.1229 Section Employment of superintendent and administrators; notification of contract nonrenewal; meeting with board; contract with intermediate school district or another person to serve as superintendent of schools.
Section 380.1229a Section Removal of person as superintendent of public instruction; settlement prohibited; limitations.
Section 380.1233 Section Teaching by noncertificated teacher or counseling without valid credentials; prohibition; school counselor license; notice to superintendent of public instruction; waiving student teaching as requirement for vocational certification; employment as substitute teacher; renewal of school counselor credential; career counseling; professional development; approval by department; rules; temporary exception for substitute teachers; preliminary school counselor license; denial, suspension, or revocation; definitions.
Section 380.1233b Section Teaching of certain courses by noncertificated, nonendorsed teacher; requirements; effect of ability to engage certificated, endorsed teacher; waiving student teaching.
Section 380.1236 Section Substitute teachers; leave time, salary, and privileges; applicability of subsections (1) and (2); contract; “day” defined.
Section 380.1246 Section Superintendent, principal, assistant principal, administrator of instructional programs, or chief business official; conditions for employment; continuing education; rules; time period to meet certification requirements.
Section 380.1254 Section Expenses of board members and employees; expenditures and policies as public record; payment; credit or debit card.
Section 380.1267 Section School buildings; construction, addition, repair, or renovation; bids; exception; advertising; security; opening and reading of bids; rejection of bids; readvertising; local policy giving preference to Michigan-based business; applicability of section; adjustment of maximum amount; "Michigan-based business" defined.
Section 380.1269 Section Insuring school district or public school academy property.
Section 380.1272a Section Lunch program; breakfast program.
Section 380.1277 Section School improvement plan.
Section 380.1278 Section Core academic curriculum.
Section 380.1279c Section Use of tests to measure pupils' values or attitudes prohibited.
Section 380.1280 Section Accreditation.
Section 380.1281 Section State board; duties generally; examination and audit of official records and accounts; action to compel accounting; waiver from compliance with rules.
Section 380.1284 Section Length of school year; certification; strikes or teachers' conferences; rules.
Section 380.1289 Section Participation of female pupils in interscholastic athletic activities.
Section 380.1299 Section Limited open forum; equal access and opportunity; definitions.
Section 380.1303 Section Pocket pager, electronic communication device, or other personal communication device; applicability of subsection (1).
Section 380.1312 Section “Corporal punishment” defined; infliction of corporal punishment by employee, volunteer, or contractor; exercise of necessary reasonable physical force; liability; violation; deference given to reasonable good-faith judgments; development, implementation, and enforcement of code of student conduct; model list of alternatives to use of corporal punishment; authority permitting corporal punishment void.
Section 380.1507a Section Notice of excuse from class; enrollment.
Section 380.1525 Section Funds to support professional development and education; use; disapproval of funding for proposed professional development.
Section 380.1526 Section Teacher in first 3 years of employment; assignment to master teacher; intensive professional development induction; first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation course requirements; liability.
Section 380.1527 Section Teacher professional development; number of days; professional development provided by state-approved nonpublic school.
Section 380.1531 Section Requirements for issuing licenses, certificates, and endorsements for teachers and counselors in public schools; reading credit requirements; teaching certificate from another state, country, or Indian tribe; fees; definitions; rules.
Section 380.1532 Section Teaching certificate; validity; recording; oath or affirmation; nullification.
Section 380.1535a Section Conviction of person holding teaching certificate for certain crimes; notice of right to hearing; suspension of teaching certificate; summary suspension; findings for action under subsection (1) or (2); compensation; reinstatement, continued suspension, or permanent revocation of teaching certificate; effect of reversal of conviction on final appeal; notice of conviction; evidence of conviction; failure to make final decision and order; construction of section; rules; comparison of individuals holding teaching certificate with conviction information; definitions.
Section 380.1539b Section Conviction of person holding board approval for certain crimes; notice of right to hearing; suspension; summary suspension; compensation; reinstatement, continued suspension, or permanent revocation of state board approval; notice of conviction; evidence of conviction; failure to complete hearing procedures; construction of section; rules; comparison of individuals holding teaching certificate with conviction information; automated program; definitions.
Section 380.1561 Section Compulsory attendance at public school; enrollment dates; exceptions.
Section 380.1602 Section Community college of district school system; establishment; approval of state board.
Section 380.1621a Section Exercise of eminent domain by school district or intermediate school district.
Section 380.1703 Section Qualifications and requirements for special education personnel; rules relative to special education programs and services; review.
Section 380.1851a Section Rules prohibited; condition.