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Public Act Number: 22
Public Act Year: 1999
Document Type(s): MCLs
(4 results found)
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Section 324.81134 Section Operation of or authorizing operation of ORV while under influence of alcoholic liquor or controlled substance prohibited; visible impairment; violation; penalty; "serious impairment of a body function" defined; person less than 21 years of age; person less than 16 years of age occupying ORV; penalties; costs; screening, assessment, and rehabilitative services; duty of court before accepting guilty plea; record.
Section 324.82128 Section Violations; sanctions.
Section 324.82129 Section Violations; sanctions.
Section 324.82141 Section Acceptance of guilty plea or nolo contendere; advisement by court of maximum imprisonment and fine; screening, assessment, and rehabilitative services; record.