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Public Act Number: 106
Public Act Year: 2014
Document Type(s): MCLs
(4 results found)
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Document Type Description
Section 339.2502a Section Real estate broker, associate real estate broker, and real estate salesperson; license; term; renewal; relicensure; licensure following revocation.
Section 339.2504 Section Real estate broker's license; prelicensure classroom courses; suspension or revocation of approval; prohibited representations; conduct of prelicensure course; violation of subsection (4); penalties; real estate clinic, meeting, course, or institute; sponsoring studies, research, and programs; contract with statewide real estate association.
Section 339.2504a Section Continuing education.
Section 339.2508 Section Real estate broker's license; entities to which issued; authorized acts; associate real estate broker's license; transferability; suspension; issuance of new license; death or disability of sole principal associate broker.