Search Results
Document Type(s): Bills
Legislative Session(s): 2017-2018
Detailed Category: State financing and management: bonds
Legislative Session(s): 2017-2018
Detailed Category: State financing and management: bonds
(9 results found)
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Document | Type | Description |
SB 0700 of 2017 | Senate Bill |
State financing and management; bonds; issuance of certain bonds after a certain date; prohibit. Amends sec. 518 of 2001 PA 34 (MCL 141.2518). Last Action: REASSIGNED TO COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS |
HB 4275 of 2017 | House Bill |
State financing and management; bonds; credit rating for issuance of a security to pay off unfunded pension or postemployment health care liability; revise. Amends sec. 518 of 2001 PA 34 (MCL 141.2518). Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 02/23/2017 |
HB 4703 of 2017 | House Bill |
School aid; supplemental; allocation to certain school districts to pay down debt; provide for. Amends sec. 11 of 1979 PA 94 (MCL 388.1611) & adds sec. 22m. Last Action: bill electronically reproduced 06/06/2017 |
HB 5311 of 2017 | House Bill |
State financing and management; bonds; issuance of certain bonds after a certain date; prohibit. Amends sec. 518 of 2001 PA 34 (MCL 141.2518). Last Action: re-referred to Committee on Michigan Competitiveness |
SB 0838 of 2018 (PA 575 of 2018) |
Senate Bill |
State financing and management; bonds; time period for issuance of a security to pay off unfunded pension or postemployment health care liability; extend. Amends sec. 518 of 2001 PA 34 (MCL 141.2518). Last Action: ASSIGNED PA 575'18 WITH IMMEDIATE EFFECT 12/31/18 ADDENDA |
SB 1054 of 2018 | Senate Bill |
State financing and management; bonds; public notice for competitive sales of municipal bonds; modify. Amends sec. 309 of 2001 PA 34 (MCL 141.2309). Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS |
SB 1109 of 2018 | Senate Bill |
State financing and management; bonds; general obligation bonds for certain infrastructure projects, the cleanup of certain environmental contamination, and the abatement of lead hazards; authorize. Creates new act. Last Action: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS |
SB 1129 of 2018 | Senate Bill |
State financing and management; bonds; credit rating for issuance of a security to pay off unfunded pension or postemployment health care liability; revise. Amends sec. 518 of 2001 PA 34 (MCL 141.2518). Last Action: referred to Committee on Michigan Competitiveness |
HB 5697 of 2018 (PA 376 of 2018) |
House Bill |
Higher education; community colleges; authority to issue job training revenue bonds; extend sunset date. Amends sec. 164 of 1966 PA 331 (MCL 389.164). Last Action: assigned PA 376'18 with immediate effect |