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Document Type(s): Bills
Legislative Session(s): 2015-2016
Detailed Category: Legislature: rules
(5 results found)
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Document Type Description
HJR M of 2015 House Joint Resolution Legislature; sessions; sine die; establish as the Friday before the first Monday in November in an even year. Amends sec. 13, art. IV of the state constitution.
Last Action: printed joint resolution filed 03/26/2015
HJR R of 2015 House Joint Resolution Legislature; other; legislature's ability to disapprove certain rules, regulations, or enforcement actions; provide for. Amends sec. 37, art. IV of the state constitution.
Last Action: printed joint resolution filed 06/11/2015
HJR U of 2015 House Joint Resolution Legislature; rules; bills or initiative petitions to take effect upon the expiration of 90 days after the date they are filed with the secretary of state; provide for. Amends sec. 27, art. IV of the state constitution.
Last Action: printed joint resolution filed 06/19/2015
HB 4756 of 2015 House Bill Legislature; rules; bills or initiative petitions to take effect upon the expiration of 90 days after the date they are filed with the secretary of state; provide for. Implements sec. 27, art. IV of the state constitution.
Last Action: printed bill filed 06/19/2015
HJR KK of 2016 House Joint Resolution Legislature; rules; time allowed when voting on bills in the house of representatives; limit. Amends sec. 26, art. IV of the state constitution.
Last Action: joint resolution electronically reproduced 04/27/2016