Search Results
Document Type(s): Bills
Legislative Session(s): 1995-1996
Detailed Category: Crimes: assaultive
Legislative Session(s): 1995-1996
Detailed Category: Crimes: assaultive
(14 results found)
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Document | Type | Description |
SB 0071 of 1995 | Senate Bill |
Crimes; assaultive; assault and battery of a correctional officer; establish as a felony.
Amends Act 328 of 1931 (MCL 750.1 - 750.568) by adding sec. 81c.
SB 0515 of 1995 | Senate Bill |
Crimes; homicide; certain crimes against prenatal children; create.
Last Action: motion to discharge committee |
SB 0528 of 1995 | Senate Bill |
Crimes; other; reckless endangerment; prohibit and provide penalties.
Amends Act 328 of 1931 (MCL 750.1 - 750.568) by adding sec. 411r.
HB 4088 of 1995 | House Bill |
Corrections; employees; injuries for which corrections department employee may receive supplemental wages; expand.
Amends sec. 63a of Act 232 of 1953 (MCL 791.263a).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Appropriations |
HB 4376 of 1995 | House Bill |
Crimes; assaultive; aggravated assault without a weapon; increase penalty.
Amends sec. 81a of Act 328 of 1931 (MCL 750.81a).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Judiciary and Civil Rights |
HB 4483 of 1995 (PA 138 of 1996) |
House Bill |
Criminal procedure; arrests; arrest of individual without a warrant for violating local ordinance prohibiting assault or assault and battery; allow whether or not violation is committed in presence of peace officer.
Amends sec. 15a, ch. IV of Act 175 of 1927 (MCL 764.15a).
Last Action: assigned PA 0138'96 |
HB 5361 of 1995 | House Bill |
Crimes; homicide; certain crimes against unborn children; create.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Judiciary and Civil Rights |
HB 5531 of 1996 | House Bill |
Crimes; assaultive; injury to a pregnant woman during the commission of a crime; prohibit and provide penalties for.
Amends Act 328 of 1931 (MCL 750.1 - 750.568) by adding sec. 90a.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Judiciary and Civil Rights |
HB 5669 of 1996 | House Bill |
Crimes; assaultive; interfering with or assaulting an emergency medical service provider rendering certain services; prohibit and establish penalties.
Amends Act 328 of 1931 (MCL 750.1 - 750.568) by adding sec. 89a.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Judiciary and Civil Rights |
HB 5688 of 1996 | House Bill |
Civil procedure; civil actions; certain crimes against prenatal childen; allow for civil actions.
Amends Act 236 of 1961 (MCL 600.101 - 600.9947) by adding sec. 2922a.
Last Action: motion to discharge committee |
HB 5768 of 1996 | House Bill |
Corrections; employees; injuries for which corrections department employees may receive a wage supplement; expand to include certain injuries occurring outside of prisons.
Amends sec. 63a of Act 232 of 1953 (MCL 791.263a).
Last Action: referred to Committee on Human Resources and Labor |
HB 5806 of 1996 | House Bill |
Crimes; assaultive; penalties for assaulting a law enforcement officer; increase.
Amends secs. 479 & 479a of Act 328 of 1931 (MCL 750.479 & 750.479a) & adds sec. 81c.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Judiciary and Civil Rights |
HB 5807 of 1996 | House Bill |
Criminal procedure; sentencing; assault or battery of certain employees of the department of natural resources; provide for increased penalties.
Amends sec. 1608 of Act 451 of 1994 (MCL 324.1608).
TIE BAR WITH: HB 5806'96
Last Action: referred to Committee on Judiciary and Civil Rights |
HB 6145 of 1996 | House Bill |
Criminal procedure; juveniles; juvenile charged with a felony or assaultive misdemeanor; prohibit probate judge from disposing of on consent calendar without prosecutor's approval.
Amends ch. XIIA of Act 288 of 1939 (MCL 712A.1 - 712A.31) by adding sec. 11d.
Last Action: referred to Committee on Judiciary and Civil Rights |