MCL - Section 457.322

Act 90 of 1905

457.322 Grand lodge; articles of association, execution, contents.

Sec. 2.

     Any 5 or more persons, residents of this state, being members of any grand lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, of the state of Michigan, desirous to become incorporated, may make and execute articles of association, under their hands and seal, which said articles of association shall be acknowledged before some officer of the state having authority to take acknowledgment of deeds, and shall set forth:
     First, The name of persons associating in the first instance, and their places of residence;
     Second, The corporate name by which such association shall be known in the law, and the place of its business office;
     Third, The object and purpose of such association, which shall be to promote the general welfare of the order or fraternity, known as the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, to perform the functions ordinarily and properly to be performed by the Independent Order of Odd Fellows of the state of Michigan as the governing body of the Odd Fellow lodges in Michigan, to make laws for the government of such lodges, to acquire, own and convey real and personal property of any kind, in its own right for its own use or in trust for the benefit of Odd Fellow lodges in the state of Michigan, or for any other purposes compatible with the purposes of the corporation, to own and operate a home or homes for the members of Odd Fellow lodges in the state of Michigan or the female members of Rebekah lodges in Michigan, and to own and operate a camp or camps for the members of such lodges and the children or orphans of such members, or other children, to create corporations not for profit for such purposes, to provide and maintain an endowment fund for the benefit of any activity of the corporation or any corporation created by this corporation, and to do every other lawful thing that shall be for the welfare and benefit of the Odd Fellow lodges in Michigan, or the grand lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows of Michigan, a Michigan corporation, and to join with others in any of the above enumerated activities.

History: 1905, Act 90, Imd. Eff. May 3, 1905 ;-- CL 1915, 10451 ;-- CL 1929, 10654 ;-- CL 1948, 457.322 ;-- Am. 1961, Act 79, Eff. Sept. 8, 1961