MCL - 451-1994-III-1-THE-GREAT-LAKES-325

Act 451 of 1994
Part 325
Document Type Description
Section 324.32501 Section Additional definitions.
Section 324.32502 Section Unpatented lake bottomlands and unpatented made lands in Great Lakes; construction of part.
Section 324.32503 Section Agreements pertaining to waters over and filling in of submerged patented lands; lease or deed of unpatented lands; terms, conditions, and requirements; reservation of mineral rights; exception; lease or deed allowing drilling operations for exploration of oil or gas purposes; execution of agreement, lease, or deed with United States.
Section 324.32504 Section Unpatented lake lands and unpatented made lands; application for conveyance; contents; qualifications of applicant; consent; approval; fee.
Section 324.32504a Section Restoration or maintenance of lighthouse; lease or agreement for use of lands; “approved organization” defined.
Section 324.32505 Section Unpatented lake bottomlands and unpatented made lands; consideration for conveyances or lease.
Section 324.32506 Section Unpatented lands and unpatented made lands; value determination by department; appraisal; decision of court.
Section 324.32507 Section Receipts; disposition; accounting; employees.
Section 324.32508 Section Lands conveyed; taxation.
Section 324.32509 Section Rules.
Section 324.32510 Section Land filled, excavated, or modified without approval; misdemeanor; penalty; issuance or service of appearance ticket; “minor offense” defined.
Section 324.32511 Section Certificate of location of lakeward boundary; application; riparian owner; fee.
Section 324.32512 Section Acts prohibited; exceptions; activities not subject to regulation; applicability of subsection (2) to certain lands.
Section 324.32512a Section Minor project categories; activities; conditions; application; notice; general permit.
Section 324.32513 Section Application for permit; contents; fees; disposition of fees.
Section 324.32514 Section Application for permit; copies to department of community health, local units, and adjacent riparian owners; objections; public hearing; notice; conditional permit; additional conditions.
Section 324.32515 Section Artificial waterway; permit; issuance; conditions; maintenance.
Section 324.32515a Section Dredging or placing dredged spoils on bottomland; permit; conditions.
Section 324.32516 Section Repealed. 2012, Act 247, Imd. Eff. July 2, 2012.