MCL - Index of Chapter 442

NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title Subject
Chapter 442 SALES
Act 223 of 1905 Repealed-BULK SALES, TRANSFERS, AND ASSIGNMENTS (442.1 - 442.3)
Act 200 of 1929 Repealed-BULK MORTGAGES (442.51 - 442.53)
Act 64 of 1915 Repealed-CONDITIONAL SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY FOR RESALE (442.101 - 442.101)
Act 319 of 1917 Repealed-REGULATION OF CERTAIN SALES (442.201 - 442.209)
Act 39 of 1961 REGULATION OF CERTAIN SALES (442.211 - 442.226)
Section 442.211 Conduct of certain sales; definitions.
Section 442.212 Conduct of certain sales; license required; application of act.
Section 442.213 Licenses; application, contents.
Section 442.214 Licenses; issuance, restrictions.
Section 442.215 Conduct of certain sales; conditions.
Section 442.216 Licenses; terms, renewal, fee.
Section 442.217 Licenses; application, inventory, posting; advertisement, announcement; contents.
Section 442.218 Licenses; application, clerk's records.
Section 442.219 Licenses; false statement, penalty.
Section 442.220 Licenses; scope; goods, removal; effect.
Section 442.221 Conduct of sales; purchase of goods prior to sale prohibited; evidence.
Section 442.222 Conduct of sales; addition of goods during sale, false description or inventory prohibited.
Section 442.223 Advertisement before compliance with act, penalty.
Section 442.224 Violation of act; misdemeanor, penalty.
Section 442.225 Persons exempt from act.
Section 442.226 Repeal.
Act 84 of 1899 Repealed-SALE OF COLLATERAL (442.301 - 442.303)
Act 90 of 1970 SALES OF FINE ART (442.311 - 442.315)
Section 442.311 Definitions.
Section 442.312 Consignment; trust property; trust funds; claims, liens, or security interest.
Section 442.312a Written receipt as condition to commission on consignment; contents; effect of prior contract.
Section 442.313 Repealed. 1982, Act 396, Eff. Mar. 30, 1983.
Section 442.314 Effect of act as to existing contracts or arrangements.
Section 442.315 Effective date of act.
Act 121 of 1970 SALES OF FINE ART (442.321 - 442.325)
Section 442.321 Art sales warranties; definitions.
Section 442.322 Warranties by art merchant; written instrument; effect of furnishing name of artist; negation or limitation of warranty; construing degree of authenticity of authorship.
Section 442.323 Language; construction.
Section 442.324 Additional rights and liabilities created; rights of art merchant as buyer; liability of art merchant making good faith warranty; applicability of art multiples sales act.
Section 442.325 Effective date.
Act 40 of 1987 ART MULTIPLES SALES ACT (442.351 - 442.367)
Section 442.351 Short title.
Section 442.351a Definitions.
Section 442.352 Information required; transactions to which act applicable.
Section 442.353 Catalog, prospectus, flyer or other written material or advertisement.
Section 442.354 Posting of legible sign.
Section 442.355 Information to be supplied for each multiple; express warranty.
Section 442.356 Supplying information for multiple produced after December 31, 1949.
Section 442.357 Supplying information for multiple produced after December 31, 1899.
Section 442.358 Supplying information for multiple produced before January 1, 1900.
Section 442.359 Information as basis of bargain; express warranty; effect of furnishing name of artist; negating or limiting warranty; defense in action to enforce warranty; information regarding photographs; statement that information not applicable; disclaimer.
Section 442.360 Rights, liabilities, and remedies cumulative.
Section 442.361 Incurring obligations prescribed for art merchant.
Section 442.362 Violation; liability.
Section 442.363 Art merchant as agent for consignor or artist; liabilities; effect of good faith reliance on incorrect information.
Section 442.364 Liability of consignor to purchaser.
Section 442.365 Action to enforce act.
Section 442.366 Effective date.
Section 442.367 Conditional effective date.