MCL - Index of Act 325 of 1982

NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title Subject
Section 801.51 Definitions.
Section 801.51a County jail population exceeding 95% of jail's rated design capacity; actions by county sheriff; maximum value of outstanding bonds; duration; applicability of subsections (1) to (3).
Section 801.52 Certifying general prisoner population exceeds 100% of rated design capacity of county jail or percentage of rated design capacity set by court; duties of sheriff.
Section 801.52a Reporting prisoner population counts.
Section 801.53 Declaring county jail overcrowding state of emergency.
Section 801.54 Notice of declaration of county jail overcrowding state of emergency.
Section 801.55 Reduction of prisoner population by sheriff, notified persons, and other judges; means.
Section 801.56 Requirement of further actions; failure of certain actions to reduce population to level prescribed in subsection (1); presenting prisoner information to chief circuit judge; applicability of subsection (2)(b) to certain prisoners; review; classification of prisoners; reduction of sentences; duration; report.
Section 801.57 Failure of certain actions to reduce population to level prescribed in MCL 801.56(1); equal reduction of original sentences.
Section 801.58 Failure of certain actions to reduce population to level prescribed in MCL 801.56(1); deferring acceptance for incarceration of certain persons.
Section 801.59 Ending county jail overcrowding state of emergency; conditions; certification by sheriff.
Section 801.59a Written county jail population management plan; adoption; implementation; approval; amendments; duration; delegation of judicial sentencing authority.
Section 801.59b Suspension or reduction of jail sentence by sentencing judge; delegation of authority to chief judge; modification of bond.
Section 801.60 Listing of crimes and offenses; development.
Section 801.61 Loss of bed space due to natural disaster or deliberate destruction of property; applicability of act.
Section 801.62 Prisoners sentenced to county jail as condition of probation; applicability of act.
Section 801.63 Maximum sentence reductions where act invoked more than once; good time.
Section 801.64 Effective date.