MCL - Index of 451-1994-III-2-4
NOTE: Dates reflect any modification to item, not necessarily a change in law.
Title | Subject |
451-1994-III-2-4 | SUBCHAPTER 4 FORESTS (324.50101...324.53519) |
451-1994-III-2-4-THE-TIMBER-INDUSTRY | THE TIMBER INDUSTRY (324.50101...324.50707) |
451-1994-III-2-4-THE-TIMBER-INDUSTRY-501 | PART 501 FOREST IMPROVEMENTS (324.50101...324.50166) |
451-1994-III-2-4-THE-TIMBER-INDUSTRY-501-1 | SUBPART 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS (324.50101...324.50107) |
Section 324.50101 | Meanings of words and phrases. |
Section 324.50102 | Definitions; A to D. |
Section 324.50103 | Definitions; F to P. |
Section 324.50104 | Definitions; H to P. |
Section 324.50105 | Definitions; R to U. |
Section 324.50106 | Purpose. |
Section 324.50107 | Liberal construction. |
451-1994-III-2-4-THE-TIMBER-INDUSTRY-501-2 | SUBPART 2 FOREST RESTORATION PILOT PROJECT (324.50108...324.50119) |
Section 324.50108 | Forest restoration pilot project; purpose; sources of funding; allocation of funds. |
Section 324.50109 | Expenses. |
Section 324.50110 | Repealed. 2013, Act 45, Imd. Eff. June 6, 2013. |
Section 324.50111 | Western Upper Peninsula forest improvement district; establishment; petition; selection of lands by committee; employment of forester; activation of working forests; factors in determining and allocating funds. |
Section 324.50112 | Repealed. 2013, Act 45, Imd. Eff. June 6, 2013. |
Section 324.50113 | Report. |
Section 324.50114 | Notices; contents; certification. |
Section 324.50115 | Mandate for public benefit; standards for conduct of forest practices. |
Section 324.50116 | Changes in forest management plan; approval; appeal; determination; service of changes on members; effective date of changes. |
Section 324.50117 | Security for repayment of bonds. |
Section 324.50118 | Approved reserve fund; establishment; purpose; payments into fund; resolution as to use of money; limitations. |
Section 324.50119 | Applicability of part. |
451-1994-III-2-4-THE-TIMBER-INDUSTRY-501-3 | SUBPART 3 DEPARTMENT POWERS (324.50120...324.50122) |
Section 324.50120 | Duties of department generally; applicability of provisions to western Upper Peninsula forest improvement district. |
Section 324.50121 | Rules, guidelines, and publications. |
Section 324.50122 | Primary consideration in promulgating rules and disposing of timber and other products; timber volume agreement; forest improvement program. |
451-1994-III-2-4-THE-TIMBER-INDUSTRY-501-4 | SUBPART 4 FOREST IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (324.50123...324.50139) |
Section 324.50123 | Establishment authorized; powers generally. |
Section 324.50124 | Petitions. |
Section 324.50125 | Creation of district; hearing; notice; determination; defining boundaries of district; actual notice. |
Section 324.50126 | Operation of district; feasibility. |
Section 324.50127 | Board of directors; appointment and qualifications of directors; presentation and contents of application; certification statement; examination and recordation of application and statement; issuance and contents of certification. |
Section 324.50128 | District as governmental subdivision and public body corporate and politic. |
Section 324.50129 | Petition for discontinuance; filing; form; notice. |
Section 324.50130 | Petitions for change of boundary line; filing; contents; hearing; determination; application for certificate evidencing change of boundary; statement; effect of filing; issuance and contents of certificate. |
Section 324.50131 | Board of directors as governing body of district; officers; election and appointment of directors; terms; eligibility to vote; vacancy; annual meeting; fiscal year; quorum; concurrence of majority for determination; expenses; delegation of powers and duties; recall petition; notice; recall election; cessation of term; furnishing commission with documents and other information; surety bonds; records; audit; representatives of local legislative body. |
Section 324.50132 | Nominating petition; filing; signatures; notice; eligibility to vote. |
Section 324.50133 | Consolidation into single district; petition; notice; hearing; determination; order; board of consolidated district; certificate of organization; powers and duties; property, agreements, and obligations of consolidated district. |
Section 324.50134 | Discontinuance of district; petition; public hearings; notice of referendum; eligibility to vote; publishing results of referendum; determination; certificate of determination; payment of debt and disposition of property; application for discontinuance; issuance and recordation of certificate of dissolution; contracts, bonds, or other obligations; limitation on petition for discontinuance. |
Section 324.50135 | Additional powers of district. |
Section 324.50136 | Repealed. 2013, Act 45, Imd. Eff. June 6, 2013. |
Section 324.50137 | Expenses of district; sources of payment; allocation of funds. |
Section 324.50138 | Cooperative exercise of powers. |
Section 324.50139 | Report. |
451-1994-III-2-4-THE-TIMBER-INDUSTRY-501-5 | SUBPART 5 FOREST PRACTICES (324.50140...324.50144) |
Section 324.50140 | Conduct of forest practices; minimum standards. |
Section 324.50141 | Notification of compliance with forest practice rules; forest management plan; forms; contents of notification; notice of change in information; validity of notification. |
Section 324.50142 | Violation of district forest practice rule; notice; order; hearing. |
Section 324.50143 | Noncompliance with order directing repair of damage or correction of unsatisfactory condition; estimate of cost; notice of estimate; review; determination of expenditure; appearance of member; itemized certified statement of expenditures; expenditures as lien; certification and filing of notice of lien; legal action; error or mistake in notice of lien; termination of lien. |
Section 324.50144 | Conversion of forest land to other use; procedures and criteria. |
Section 324.50145 | Agreements to share cost of forest practices; schedule of cost share percentages. |
Section 324.50146 | Loans to members; purpose; term; interest; security; recordation of mortgage or deed of trust; repayment before maturity date; damage as grounds for release of obligation. |
Section 324.50147 | Annual incentive payments to members; purpose; application of income from sale of timber; term; interest; limitation; security; recordation of mortgage or deed of trust; effect of voluntary withdrawal of member; damage as grounds for release of obligation. |
Section 324.50148 | Cost-share payments, loans, or annual incentive payments; eligibility; conditions; guidelines. |
Section 324.50149 | Applications for financial assistance; selection of programs; factors; preferences; criteria for evaluation and approval. |
Section 324.50150 | Cost-share payments, loans, or annual incentive payments; federal payments or other assistance; limitation. |
Section 324.50151 | Cost-share payments, loans, or annual incentive payments; refund; interest; payments as lien on forest land; filing lien; legal action. |
Section 324.50152 | Severance and service fees generally. |
Section 324.50153 | Schedule of fees for services; establishment; uniform severance fee. |
Section 324.50154 | Severance and service fees; collection and disposition; responsibility for payment of severance fee; stumpage values and units of measurement; remittance; reports; records. |
Section 324.50155 | Collection of fees; enforcement. |
451-1994-III-2-4-THE-TIMBER-INDUSTRY-501-7 | SUBPART 7 BOND ISSUANCE PROVISIONS (324.50156...324.50166) |
Section 324.50156 | Resolution authorizing bonds; provisions. |
Section 324.50157 | Resolution authorizing bonds; principal, interest, payment, and security; full faith and credit; trustees. |
Section 324.50158 | Special debt service reserve fund; creation; purpose; sources and use of money; transfer of income or interest; limitation on approved reserve fund requirement; limitation on issuance of bonds. |
Section 324.50159 | Statement of liability on face of bond. |
Section 324.50160 | Applicability of part and resolution; enforcement of duties; recital in bond as evidence of validity; publication and effective date of resolution. |
Section 324.50161 | Refunding bonds. |
Section 324.50162 | Adoption of bonds by resolution of majority of board; bonds subject to revised municipal finance act. |
Section 324.50163 | Pledge and lien of pledge valid and binding; recordation not required. |
Section 324.50164 | Liability on bonds. |
Section 324.50165 | Pledge and agreement of state not to impair rights and remedies of bondholders; bonds as negotiable instruments; bonds as securities; investment in bonds. |
Section 324.50166 | Exemption from taxation. |
Section 324.50301 | Duties of departments of agriculture and rural development and natural resources. |
Section 324.50302 | Annual report. |
451-1994-III-2-4-THE-TIMBER-INDUSTRY-505 | PART 505 MICHIGAN FOREST FINANCE AUTHORITY (324.50501...324.50522) |
Section 324.50501 | Purpose of part. |
Section 324.50502 | Definitions. |
Section 324.50503 | Michigan forest finance authority; creation; exercise of powers, duties, and functions; handling of funds. |
Section 324.50504 | Board of directors; appointment; terms; oath; vacancy; persons subject to MCL 15.321 to 15.330; discharge of duties; policies and procedures; conducting business at public meetings; notice; quorum; actions of board; representative as voting member; chairperson. |
Section 324.50505 | Election of chairperson and vice-chairperson; state forester as executive director; qualifications, duties, and compensation of employees; delegation of powers or duties; rights and interests of authority; annual report; audits; records. |
Section 324.50506 | Powers of board. |
Section 324.50507 | Financing forest management operations and practices; application of funds; interim procedure; annual list of activities and practices; projection of probable default; contracts for cutting and sale of timber; forest development fund; audit. |
Section 324.50508 | Department as agent for authority; conveyance of state's interest in contracts granting timber cutting rights; deposit of money received; conveyance of title to timber. |
Section 324.50509 | Bonds and notes generally; expenses; expenditures. |
Section 324.50510 | Bonds or notes; purposes; payment; requirements; signature of board member or office of authority; sale of bonds or notes; applicability of other laws; interest rate agreement. |
Section 324.50511 | Refunding bonds or notes. |
Section 324.50512 | Security to assure timely payment of bond or note. |
Section 324.50513 | Bonds or notes; authority of board member, executive director, or other officer of authority. |
Section 324.50514 | Resolution authorizing bonds or notes; provisions. |
Section 324.50515 | Pledge. |
Section 324.50516 | Personal liability on bonds or notes. |
Section 324.50517 | Purchasing, holding, canceling, or reselling bonds or notes. |
Section 324.50518 | Rights and remedies. |
Section 324.50519 | Bonds or notes as legal investments; security. |
Section 324.50520 | Property and income of authority; exemption from taxes and special assessments; bonds or notes exempt from taxation. |
Section 324.50521 | Liberal construction; broad interpretation. |
Section 324.50522 | Rules. |
Section 324.50701 | Conveyance by department of leasehold interest in state-owned property to certain counties; designation of forest lands to be leased; maximum term of leasehold interest; renewal; recreational use of property during leasehold. |
Section 324.50702 | Use of leased property; purposes; use and disposition of proceeds; implementation of forest management demonstration program. |
Section 324.50703 | County forestry committee; creation; appointment, qualifications, and terms of members; approval of committee actions; vacancy. |
Section 324.50704 | Instrument conveying leasehold interest; approval by attorney general. |
Section 324.50705 | Conveyance to provide for use of property; termination of lease. |
Section 324.50706 | Submission of forest management plan. |
Section 324.50707 | Conveyance of leasehold. |
451-1994-III-2-4-TAX-INCENTIVES | TAX INCENTIVES (324.51101...324.51312) |
451-1994-III-2-4-TAX-INCENTIVES-511 | PART 511 COMMERCIAL FORESTS (324.51101...324.51120) |
Section 324.51101 | Definitions. |
Section 324.51102 | Commercial forest; scope and authority of department; rules. |
Section 324.51103 | Commercial forest; application for classification; "contiguous" defined; requirements for eligibility; application form; postmark or delivery date; providing certain information and fee to department; brochure; notification; certification that forest management plan prepared and in effect; violation; exemption from disclosure. |
Section 324.51104 | Forestland; evaluation; hearing; notice; conduct; approval; record. |
Section 324.51105 | Commercial forests not subject to ad valorem general property tax; specific tax; removal from land descriptions list; separate roll; collection; return and sale for nonpayment of taxes; valuation prohibited; lands not considered in connection with equalization distribution of sums collected; distribution; commercial forestland located in renaissance zone. |
Section 324.51106 | Acreage as commercial forestlands; certifying to state treasurer; payment to county treasurer; distribution of remaining funds; payment in full required. |
Section 324.51107 | Repealed. 2006, Act 383, Imd. Eff. Sept. 27, 2006 |
Section 324.51108 | Withdrawal of forestland as commercial forest; application; fee; penalty; calculation; publication on website; withdrawal not subject to penalty; granting application without payment of fee or penalty; forestland acquired by federally recognized Indian tribe; disposition; distribution; notice to applicant, township assessor, and register of deeds; filing list of withdrawn lands; interdepartmental cooperation; definitions. |
Section 324.51109 | Determining proportion for disbursement of revenues and attribution of revenues; number of mills levied for local school operating purposes; distribution of revenues; “revenues” defined. |
Section 324.51110 | Cutting, harvesting, or removing forest products prohibited; exceptions. |
Section 324.51111 | Report to department. |
Section 324.51112 | Commercial forest fund. |
Section 324.51113 | Prohibited use of forestland by owner; exception; denying or inhibiting access for public hunting or fishing; exploration for minerals; removal of commercial mineral deposits, sand and gravel, and oil and gas; exploration for wind energy development. |
Section 324.51114 | Applications, statements, and reports under oath; forms. |
Section 324.51115 | Transfer of title; effect; withdrawal; document; notification. |
Section 324.51116 | Removal of designation; declassification; notice; recording; fee. |
Section 324.51118 | Applicability of changes in part; withdrawal; fees. |
Section 324.51119 | Representatives of department; right of entry on commercial forestlands; access to books and papers. |
Section 324.51120 | Violation of part; penalty. |
Section 324.51201 | Owner of commercial forestland subject to sustainable forest conservation easement; specific tax; application for sustainable forest conservation easement tax incentives; form; information; cutting or removing forest products; violation; penalty; definitions. |
451-1994-III-2-4-TAX-INCENTIVES-513 | PART 513 PRIVATE FORESTRY (324.51301...324.51312) |
Section 324.51301 | Definitions. |
Section 324.51302 | Management and utilization of private forestland and private forest resources; purpose and intent of part. |
Section 324.51303 | Repealed. 2006, Act 378, Eff. Sept. 1, 2007. |
Section 324.51304 | Repealed. 2006, Act 378, Eff. Sept. 1, 2007. |
Section 324.51305 | Private forestland enhancement fund. |
Section 324.51306 | List of qualified foresters; preparation; maintenance; registration; removal; publication on department's website. |
Section 324.51307 | Repealed. 2006, Act 378, Eff. Sept. 1, 2007. |
Section 324.51308 | Repealed. 2006, Act 378, Eff. Sept. 1, 2007. |
Section 324.51309 | Repealed. 2006, Act 378, Eff. Sept. 1, 2007. |
Section 324.51310 | Repealed. 2006, Act 378, Eff. Sept. 1, 2007. |
Section 324.51311 | Repealed. 2006, Act 378, Eff. Sept. 1, 2007. |
Section 324.51312 | Repealed. 2006, Act 378, Eff. Sept. 1, 2007. |
451-1994-III-2-4-FOREST-FIRES | FOREST FIRES (324.51501...324.51906) |
451-1994-III-2-4-FOREST-FIRES-515 | PART 515 PREVENTION AND SUPPRESSION OF FOREST FIRES (324.51501...324.51514) |
Section 324.51501 | Definitions. |
Section 324.51502 | Department of natural resources; authority; appointment of assistants. |
Section 324.51503 | Burning permits; conditions. |
Section 324.51503b | Prescribed burning; liability; requirements. |
Section 324.51503c | Prescribed burn; notice of location; record of attempts to notify; contents of notice; violation. |
Section 324.51504 | Acts prohibited. |
Section 324.51505 | Refuse disposal facilities; devices; conditions; rules. |
Section 324.51506 | Violation of part causing forest or grass fire; violation of MCL 324.51503c; liability; other right of action for damages. |
Section 324.51507 | Extreme fire hazard conditions; proclamation by governor as to use of fire; prohibited acts. |
Section 324.51508 | Repealed. 2015, Act 210, Eff. Mar. 14, 2016. |
Section 324.51509 | Fire suppression expenses; liability; determination; collection of claim; actions. |
Section 324.51510 | Prohibited acts; exception. |
Section 324.51511 | Department of natural resources officer, employee, or agent; right of entry. |
Section 324.51512 | Violation of part or rule; penalty. |
Section 324.51513 | Administration of part; rules; investigations; surveys; construction of part as to other law enforcement agencies and local ordinances and regulations. |
Section 324.51514 | Forest fire and other hazard incidents; control; interstate and federal assistance agreements; employee training considered as work inside state; compensation and benefits. |
451-1994-III-2-4-FOREST-FIRES-517 | PART 517 PREVENTION OF FOREST FIRES (324.51701...324.51702) |
Section 324.51701 | Legislation, rules, or policies creating conditions promoting, fostering, or leading to forest fires. |
Section 324.51702 | Inconsistent acts or rules repealed. |
451-1994-III-2-4-FOREST-FIRES-519 | PART 519 SLASH DISPOSAL (324.51901...324.51906) |
Section 324.51901 | Forest cutting, slash, and debris; disposal methods, specifications, and elimination; approval by department. |
Section 324.51902 | Forest cutting, slash, and debris; public utilities; responsibility for disposal. |
Section 324.51903 | Forest cutting, slash, and debris; time for disposal; burning permit required. |
Section 324.51904 | Forest cutting, slash, and debris; noncompliance; disposal by department; statement of expenditures; reimbursement; neglect or refusal to pay amount; action; money collected; disposition. |
Section 324.51905 | Violation of part; penalty; civil liability. |
Section 324.51906 | Rules, regulations, and specifications. |
451-1994-III-2-4-MISCELLANEOUS-TOPICS | MISCELLANEOUS TOPICS (324.52501...324.53519) |
Section 324.52501 | Definitions. |
Section 324.52502 | Management of state forest; manner; duties of department. |
Section 324.52503 | Forestry development, conservation, and recreation management plan. |
Section 324.52504 | Harvest and sale of timber; deposit of proceeds into forest development fund; report. |
Section 324.52505 | Third-party certification that forestry standards satisfied; report. |
Section 324.52506 | Report. |
Section 324.52511 | Repealed. 2004, Act 123, Eff. Dec. 31, 2011. |
451-1994-III-2-4-MISCELLANEOUS-TOPICS-527 | PART 527 MUNICIPAL FORESTS (324.52701...324.52710) |
Section 324.52701 | Definitions. |
Section 324.52702 | Municipality; right to acquire and use lands for forestry. |
Section 324.52703 | Municipal forestry commission; members; appointment; terms; vacancies. |
Section 324.52704 | Forestry commission; powers and duties. |
Section 324.52705 | Forestry commission; report; contents; filing. |
Section 324.52706 | Authority to sell state lands to municipalities for forestry; reversion; relinquishing reversionary interest; re-acquisition; definitions; use of term "this section." |
Section 324.52707 | Forestry commissions and department of natural resources; cooperation. |
Section 324.52708 | Municipality; appropriation for forestry; limitation. |
Section 324.52709 | Forestry funds; accounting. |
Section 324.52710 | Special forestry fund; creation; payments in lieu of property taxes. |
Section 324.52901 | Removal of certain plants; “plant” defined; bill of sale or other evidence of title required. |
Section 324.52902 | Transportation of plants. |
Section 324.52903 | Sale of plants; bill of sale or other evidence of title required; records of transactions. |
Section 324.52904 | Trees, shrubs, vines or plants; shipment; evidence of title. |
Section 324.52905 | Law enforcement officers; inspection; impoundment of plants or equipment; failure to exhibit bill of sale or other evidence of title. |
Section 324.52906 | Construction of part. |
Section 324.52907 | Enforcement of part; rules. |
Section 324.52908 | Violation of part; penalties; determination of total value; prior convictions; prohibition; additional penalties. |
Section 324.52909 | Christmas trees; transportation during December. |
451-1994-III-2-4-MISCELLANEOUS-TOPICS-535. | PART 535. REGISTERED FORESTERS (324.53501...324.53519) |
Section 324.53501 | Definitions. |
Section 324.53503 | Forester program evaluation; review; ceasing administration of part; conditions. |
Section 324.53505 | Board of foresters; creation; membership; qualifications; appointment; terms; vacancy; meetings; quorum; compliance with open meetings act; writings subject to freedom of information act; expenses; violations committee. |
Section 324.53507 | Duties of board; power to call witnesses and receive evidence. |
Section 324.53509 | Registration as forester; application; submission; contents; denial or approval; validity; duties of individual. |
Section 324.53511 | Automatic registration of members of affiliated professional organizations; forester registered or licensed in another state or country. |
Section 324.53513 | Use of "registered forester" as title. |
Section 324.53515 | Registered forester; requirements. |
Section 324.53517 | Violation of MCL 324.53515 or order; complaint; determination by violations committee; notification; investigation; proposed order; objection; review; final order; revocation or suspension. |
Section 324.53519 | Revenue; fees; disposition. |