Committee Meeting

Meetings by bodies of elected members delegated by the House or Senate to consider and make recommendations concerning disposition of bills, resolutions, and other related matters referred to them. Committees are appointed by the Speaker of the House or the Senate Majority Leader and are organized according to subject matter.

Rep. Graham Filler
Clerk Phone
(517) 373-5176
Room 519, House Office Building, Lansing, MI
Tuesday 06/07/2022
09:00 AM
Time Notes
SB 134 (Sen. Curtis S. VanderWall) Crimes: fraud; manufacture, advertisement, sale, or distribution of synthetic urine or adulterant for purposes of defrauding urine drug test; prohibit.

SB 691 (Sen. Jim Runestad) Crimes: other; organized retail crime act; expand.

HB 5560 (Rep. Julie Rogers) Crime victims: other; information sharing by law enforcement of victim contact information with survivor programs; allow.

HB 5751 (Rep. Sara Cambensy) Animals: other; regulate the certification of an individual's need for an emotional support animal; provide for.

HB 5679 (Rep. Graham Filler) Crime victims: other; definition of serious misdemeanor in the crime victims act; modify.

HB 5680 (Rep. Ken Borton) Civil procedure: other; certain public video recordings of court proceedings; allow the victims' faces to be blurred.

HB 5681 (Rep. Greg VanWoerkom) Crime victims: statements; victim impact statements; allow to be made remotely.

HB 6108 (Rep. Tommy Brann) Tobacco: other; youth tobacco act definition of minor; modify to less than 21 years of age.

HB 6109 (Rep. Tommy Brann) Tobacco: other; exemption from smoking prohibition in public places; modify age.

And any other business properly before the committee.

In the spirit of compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA), individuals with a disability should feel free to contact the Committee Clerk's Office by phone [(517) 373-0015] or by TDD [(517) 373-0543] if requesting special services to effectively participate in the meeting