Committee Meeting

Meetings by bodies of elected members delegated by the House or Senate to consider and make recommendations concerning disposition of bills, resolutions, and other related matters referred to them. Committees are appointed by the Speaker of the House or the Senate Majority Leader and are organized according to subject matter.

Rep. Jim Haadsma
Clerk Phone
(517) 373-0350
Room 326, House Office Building, Lansing, MI
Thursday 05/18/2023
09:00 AM
Time Notes
HB 4354 (Rep. Regina Weiss) Labor: public service employment; performance evaluation standards, merit pay standards, and decisions on layoff, recall, hiring, position eliminations, classroom observation, teacher placement, evaluation, discipline, and discharge; remove from prohibited subjects of bargaining for public school employers.

HB 4355 (Rep. Regina Weiss) Labor: collective bargaining; the state school aid act of 1979; update reference to 1947 PA 336.

HB 4356 (Rep. Brenda Carter) Labor: collective bargaining; prohibited subjects of bargaining; remove a public school employer's decision to contract with a third party for noninstructional support services from.

HB 4357 (Rep. Rachel Hood) Labor: collective bargaining; collective bargaining agreements that require the automatic deduction of union dues; remove prohibition against a district or intermediate district from entering into.

And any other business properly before the committee.

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