MICHIGAN LEGISLATURE(legislature.mi.gov)
Printed on 2/15/2025
Michigan Compiled Laws Complete Through PA 275 of 2024

House Bill 5904 of 2002



State agencies (existing): other; Education: vocational
State agencies (existing); other; transfer of powers under the Michigan veterans' vocational school at Pine lake act to the department of career development; codify. Amends title & secs. 1 & 2 of 1952 PA 111 (MCL 395.151 & 395.152).


[PDF] [HTML] House Introduced Bill
Introduced bills appear as they were introduced and reflect no subsequent amendments or changes


House Fiscal Agency Analysis

[Floor Analysis 04/23/2002 PDF] Floor Analysis 04/23/2002
This document analyzes HB 5901, HB 5902, HB 5903, HB 5904, HB 5905, HB 5906, HB 5907, HB 5908, HB 5909, HB 5910, HB 5911


(House actions in lowercase, Senate actions in UPPERCASE)
Note: A page number of 0 indicates that the page number is coming soon
Date Journal Action
4/16/2002 HJ 32 Pg. 1088 referred to Committee on Employment Relations, Training and Safety
4/23/2002 HJ 35 Pg. 1217 reported with recommendation without amendment(s)
4/23/2002 HJ 35 Pg. 1217 referred to second reading