Rep. Sabo offered the following resolution:

            House Resolution No. 219.

            A resolution to urge the U.S. Congress to reject the current tax reform proposal.

            Whereas, The federal tax code impacts our finances and lives significantly. It is important that any potential tax reform is carefully crafted and thoroughly analyzed for any pitfalls or unintended consequences. Moreover, it is vital that any changes to the federal tax code truly benefit working families and those people most in need; and

            Whereas, The proposal being considered in Congress promises little to no benefit to our working families who struggle to meet their basic needs. A report from Michigan's United Way showed that 40 percent of Michigan households could not afford basic needs such as housing, child care, food, health care, and transportation in 2015, among other data that illustrate the struggles of many people in the state. It is unconscionable to exacerbate the problems of hardworking people across Michigan and the country through flawed tax legislation when they are still recovering from the Great Recession; and

Whereas, Donations to charities that help those people in need could be negatively impacted due to the proposed tax changes. Research from the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy indicates that $13 billion in charitable giving could be lost because of changes to the tax deduction structure. Private nonprofit agencies and churches will take a major hit, decreasing their ability to extend a helping hand to vulnerable communities; and

Whereas, Other aspects of American life, such as health care and higher education, would be adversely affected by the proposed tax reform. If paired with a repeal of the health insurance individual mandate, the proposal could upend insurance markets, increase premiums, and lead to people going without coverage. Additionally, deductions for educational expenses, like student loan debt, could be gone under the tax bill; and

Whereas, The long-standing state and local tax (SALT) deduction may be a thing of the past if the tax proposal is enacted. Eliminating the SALT deduction, which some argue amounts to double taxation, would not only hurt taxpayers, but could also harm the finances of state and local governments; and

Whereas, The proposal would disproportionately benefit the wealthy and corporations. For instance, the bill cuts the estate tax and sharply reduces the corporate tax rate; and

Whereas, Passing this bill would explode the deficit by well over $1 trillion over the next ten years, according to nonpartisan analyses. Irresponsibly reforming the tax code at the expense of future generations is unthinkable; and

Whereas, The tax reform proposals in both chambers, now in conference, were poorly vetted, resulting in mistakes and hidden provisions. A flawed process is sure to produce a flawed result. When something as significant as the tax code is the subject of reform, it is of the utmost importance that Congress works with all due diligence; and

            Whereas, The tax bill that Congress is currently considering would have far-reaching negative implications for the next decade and beyond. It will take its toll on hardworking families for generations, while adding to our nation’s debt; now, therefore, be it

            Resolved by the House of Representatives, That we urge the U.S. Congress to reject the current tax reform proposal; and be it further

            Resolved, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to the President of the United States Senate, the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, and the members of the Michigan congressional delegation.