January 30, 2018, Introduced by Reps. Sneller, Ellison, Greig, Sowerby, Pagan, Gay-Dagnogo, Lasinski, Brinks, LaGrand, Geiss, Neeley, Garrett, Cambensy, Hertel, Hoadley, Moss, Chang, Liberati, Yancey, Hammoud, Camilleri, Green, Wittenberg, Durhal, Chirkun, Faris, Cochran, Dianda, Rabhi, Jones, Clemente and Love and referred to the Committee on Education Reform.
A bill to amend 1976 PA 451, entitled
"The revised school code,"
(MCL 380.1 to 380.1852) by adding section 1253.
Sec. 1253. (1) Not later than April 1, 2018, the department
shall establish a teacher of the year program that selects teachers
of the year by prosperity region. Beginning in the 2018-2019 school
year, and annually in each subsequent school year, the department
shall select 1 teacher of the year from each prosperity region with
a population of fewer than 1,000,000, 2 teachers of the year from
each prosperity region with a population of at least 1,000,000 but
fewer than 2,000,000, and 3 teachers of the year from each
prosperity region with a population of 2,000,000 or more.
(2) The department shall appoint 1 of the teachers of the year
selected under subsection (1) as the spokesperson for all teachers
of the year selected under subsection (1) and shall nominate that
teacher for a national teacher of the year award.
(3) A teacher selected as a teacher of the year under
subsection (1) shall attend the monthly meetings of the state board
and travel to state and national events.
(4) Each teacher of the year selected under subsection (1) is
eligible for a $1,000.00 award for professional development,
further accreditations, or classroom needs.
Enacting section 1. This amendatory act takes effect 90 days
after the date it is enacted into law.