MCL - 116-1954-VII

Act 116 of 1954
Chapter VII
Document Type Description
Section 168.91 Section United States Senator; eligibility.
Section 168.92 Section Candidates for United States senator; nomination at primary.
Section 168.93 Section Candidate for United States senator; nominating petition; signatures; form; filing.
Section 168.94 Section Candidates; withdrawal, notice.
Section 168.95 Section Candidate for United States senator; death; selection of candidate to fill vacancy; ballots.
Section 168.96 Section Candidate for United States senator; write-in.
Section 168.97 Section Candidates; nomination, certification.
Section 168.98 Section Candidates; withdrawal after nomination.
Section 168.99 Section Candidates; death, withdrawal or disqualification; new candidate, selection, certification; ballots.
Section 168.100 Section United States senator; election.
Section 168.101 Section United States senator; certificate of determination by board of state canvassers.
Section 168.102 Section United States senator; certificate of election by governor.
Section 168.103 Section United States senator; term of office.
Section 168.104 Section United States senator; resignation, notice.
Section 168.105 Section United States senator; vacancy; successor, appointment by governor, tenure.
Section 168.106 Section United States senator; votes cast at primary or general election subject to recount.
Section 168.107 Section United States senator; vacancy, creation.
Section 168.108 Section United States senator; removal from office.
Section 168.109 Section United States senator; contested election; restraining order of supreme court.
Section 168.110 Section Contested election; preservation of ballots, application for restraining order by petition; notice, hearing; temporary restraining order pending hearing.
Section 168.110a Section Repealed. 1978, Act 7, Imd. Eff. Feb. 7, 1978.
Section 168.111 Section Contested election; service of restraining order, method.
Section 168.112 Section Contested election; permanent restraining order, delivery of ballot boxes to custody of county clerk.
Section 168.113 Section Contested election; commissioners, appointment, packaging of ballots.
Section 168.114 Section Contested election; commissioners, redeposit of ballots with county clerk, statement.
Section 168.115 Section Contested election; removal of ballots by commissioners, notice.
Section 168.116 Section Contested election; removal of ballots, representation of candidate.
Section 168.117 Section Contested election; commissioners, compensation.
Section 168.118 Section Contested election; violation of restraining order, penalty.
Section 168.119 Section Contested election; application for restraining order to circuit court, authority of court.
Section 168.120 Section Contested elections; purpose of act.
Section 168.121 Section Repealed. 2018, Act 120, Eff. Dec. 31, 2018.