MCL - 218-1956-11A

Act 218 of 1956
Chapter 11A
Document Type Description
Section 500.1151 Section Definitions.
Section 500.1153 Section Person acting as reinsurance intermediary-broker; bond; license; nonresident; service of process; refusal to issue license.
Section 500.1155 Section Transactions between reinsurance intermediary-broker and insurer; authorization.
Section 500.1157 Section Record of transaction.
Section 500.1159 Section Person acting as reinsurance-broker; license required; employment of individual employed by reinsurance intermediary-broker; annual copy of statements of financial condition.
Section 500.1161 Section Transactions between reinsurance intermediary-manager and reinsurer; contract.
Section 500.1163 Section Reinsurance intermediary-manager; prohibited conduct.
Section 500.1165 Section Reinsurance intermediary-manager; license required; obtaining annual copy of statement of financial condition and opinion of actuary; authority for retrocessional contracts or participation in reinsurance syndicates; termination of contract; appointment to board of directors.
Section 500.1167 Section Reinsurance intermediary and reinsurance intermediary-manager; examination of books, bank accounts, and records.
Section 500.1169 Section Violation; penalties.
Section 500.1171 Section Reinsurance intermediary; use of services.