MCL - 175-1927-XVI

Act 175 of 1927
Chapter XVI
Document Type Description
Section 776.1-776.5 Section Repealed. 1966, Act 189, Eff. Mar. 10, 1967.
Section 776.6 Section Extradition; agent to demand certain persons from another state or government; appointment; payment of accounts.
Section 776.7 Section Extradition; demand for certain persons by another state; warrant to sheriff, examination, attorney general's report.
Section 776.8 Section Extradition; warrant to agent; issuance, contents.
Section 776.9 Section Extradition; persons liable to; complaint, warrant.
Section 776.10 Section Extradition; examination, recognizance.
Section 776.11 Section Extradition; failure or inability to recognize, commitment, default.
Section 776.12 Section Extradition; discharge, delivery to authorized person, new recognizance or commitment.
Section 776.13 Section Extradition; complainant to support prisoner and cost, liability; failure to pay, effect.
Section 776.14 Section Prosecuting attorney; right to defend person charged with crime in county.
Section 776.15 Section Prosecuting attorney; right to defend accused in case transferred from another county; county liable for assistance in prosecution.
Section 776.18 Section Assistant; right of prosecutor to procure; compensation; prohibition.
Section 776.19 Section Reward for criminal or escaped prisoner; authority to offer and pay.
Section 776.20 Section Firearms violations; burden of establishing exception.
Section 776.21 Section “Law enforcement officer” and “victim” defined; submitting victim to polygraph examination or lie detector test; giving polygraph examination or lie detector test to defendant upon request.
Section 776.21a Section Recidivism rates; collection and maintenance of data; manner.
Section 776.21b Section Authority to provide certain information to domestic or sexual violence service provider agency.
Section 776.22 Section Domestic violence calls; development, implementation, and evaluation of written policies and standards by police agencies; definitions.